Mark B. N. Hansen: Bodies in Code: Interfaces with Digital Media (2006)

27 February 2009, pht

Bodies in Code explores how our bodies experience and adapt to digital environments. Cyberculture theorists have tended to overlook biological reality when talking about virtual reality, and Mark B. N. Hansen’s book shows what they’ve been missing. Cyberspace is anchored in the body, he argues, and it’s the body–not high-tech computer graphics–that allows a person to feel like they are really “moving” through virtual reality. Of course these virtual experiences are also profoundly affecting our very understanding of what it means to live as embodied beings.

Hansen draws upon recent work in visual culture, cognitive science, and new media studies, as well as examples of computer graphics, websites, and new media art, to show how our bodies are in some ways already becoming virtual.

Published by CRC Press, 2006
ISBN 0415970164, 9780415970167
336 pages

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PDF (updated on 2013-12-10)

One Response to “Mark B. N. Hansen: Bodies in Code: Interfaces with Digital Media (2006)”

  1. sorin on June 4, 2013 6:07 am

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