Magnus Ljunggren: The Russian Mephisto: A Study of the Life and Work of Emilii Medtner (1994)

15 October 2013, dusan

Emilii (Emil) Medtner is an undeservedly forgotten key figure in early twentieth-century European culture. He had a central position in the Russian Symbolist movement, where he made it his mission to bind the young writers (especially Andrei Belyi) closer to German literature, philosophy, and music. After the out­break of World War I he moved to Zurich, where he became a patient, friend, and—later—colleague of Carl Gustav Jung. Through his unique Russian experi­ence he confirmed and corroborated vital aspects of Jung’s new psychological the­ory. As his role of intermediary demonstrates, there is a strong kinship between Russian Symbolism and Jungian analytical psychology. The letters and most of the photographs in this volume have never been published before.

Almqvist & Wiksell, Stockholm, 1994
Stockholm Studies in Russian Literature series, Vol. 27
ISBN 9122016562
240 pp

Review (Avril Pyman, The Slavonic and East European Review)


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