Louise O’Konor: Viking Eggeling, 1880-1925: Artist and Film-maker: Life and Work (1971)

31 August 2013, dusan

Louise O’Konor’s book is the first biography of Viking Eggeling, a Swedish avant-garde artist and filmmaker connected to dada, constructivism and abstract art and one of the pioneers of absolute film and visual music. The book is a result of 12 years of research in public and private archives in Europe and in the USA, and is a significant contribution to the history of dada and early abstract, animated film.

Translated by Catherine G. Sundström and Anne Bibby
Publisher Almqvist & Wiksell, Stockholm, 1971
299 pages
via DiVA Academic Archive

PDF (165 MB, updated on 2013-12-8)
Watch Eggeling’s Diagonale Symphonie (1924) on UbuWeb

Stan Brakhage: Metaphors on Vision (1963)

25 March 2013, dusan

Metaphors on Vision is a collection of writings on the film and, in particular, on the film as Stan Brakhage sees and makes it. Yet more significantly it is a testament of what makes mythopoeic art. Mythopoeia is the often attempted and seldom achieved result of making a myth new or making a new myth.” (from the Introduction)

Edited with an Introduction by P. Adams Sitney
Book design by George Maciunas
Publisher Film Culture, Inc.
via Archive.org

PDF (85 MB, no OCR)

Cherry Kino: Wondermental Super8 and 16mm Film Techniques (2010)

5 December 2012, dusan

A DIY filmmaking booklet with information on how to make analog films, DIY techniques, cameraless filmmaking, processing film by hand, what film stocks to use, where to find them, and so on. Inspired by WORM Filmwerkplaats’s To Boldly Go and Helen Hill’s Recipes for Disaster.

Self-published in Leeds, UK, November 2010
24 pages
via pleintekst.nl

author (blog)

PDF (no OCR)
Related: To Boldly Go: A Starters Guide to Hand Made and DIY Films
Related: Helen Hill’s Recipes for Disaster: A Handcrafted Film Cookbooklet