Evan Selinger (ed.): Postphenomenology. A Critical Companion to Ihde (2006)

17 September 2009, dusan

Postphenomenology is the first book devoted exclusively to the interpretation and advancement of prominent phenomenologist Don Ihde’s landmark contributions to history, philosophy, sociology, science, sound studies, and technology studies. Ihde has made a direct and lasting impact on the study of technological experience across the disciplines and acquired an international following of diverse scholars along the way, many of whom contribute to Postphenomenology, including Albert Borgmann, who characterizes Ihde as being “among the most interesting and provocative contemporary American philosophers.” The contributors situate, assess, and apply Ihde’s philosophy with respect to the primary themes that his oeuvre emphasizes. They not only clarify Ihde’s work, but also make significant contributions to the philosophy of technology, phenomenology, hermeneutics, and the philosophy of science. A comprehensive response from Ihde concludes the volume.”

Publisher SUNY Press, 2006
ISBN 0791467872, 9780791467879
307 pages


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Jacques Rancière: Aesthetics and Its Discontents (2009)

31 August 2009, dusan

Only yesterday aesthetics stood accused of concealing cultural games of social distinction. Now it is considered a parasitic discourse from which artistic practices must be freed. But aesthetics is not a discourse. It is an historical regime of the identification of art. This regime is paradoxical, because it founds the autonomy of art only at the price of suppressing the boundaries separating its practices and its objects from those of everyday life and of making free aesthetic play into the promise of a new revolution. Aesthetics is not a politics by accident but in essence. But this politics operates in the unresolved tension between two opposed forms of politics: the first consists in transforming art into forms of collective life, the second in preserving from all forms of militant or commercial compromise the autonomy that makes it a promise of emancipation. This constitutive tension sheds light on the paradoxes and transformations of critical art. It also makes it possible to understand why today’s calls to free art from aesthetics are misguided and lead to a smothering of both aesthetics and politics in ethics.

Translated by Steven Corcoran
Publisher Polity, 2009
ISBN 074564631X, 9780745646312
176 pages

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Tomáš Bella: Etika a internetové médiá (2001) [Slovak]

20 August 2009, dusan

Internet prináša pre masmédiá množstvo nových možností na šírenie ich komunikátov, pre žurnalistov môže byť aj cenným zdrojom informácií. Zároveň však v prostredí internetových médií vystupujú výraznejšie do popredia niektoré tradičné etické problémy žurnalistiky a objavujú sa aj úplne nové etické otázky.

Kľúčové slová: etika, nové médiá, online žurnalistika, internet, hypertext, world wide web (www), etický kódex, konvergencia médií, zdroje informácií, globálna legislatíva, vydavatelia, ochrana súkromia, plagiátorstvo, personalizácia

Diplomová práca
Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave, Filozofická fakulta, Katedra žurnalistiky
Vedúci práce: doc. JUDr. Luboš Šefčák, PhD
Bratislava: FiF UK, 2001

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