Journal of Peer Production, No. 2: Bio/Hardware Hacking (2012)

23 July 2012, dusan

During the past two decades, hacking has chiefly been associated with software and computers. This is changing with the surge of synthetic biology, fablabs and hackerspaces, all of which suggests the wider diffusion of hacking practices and hacker politics. Hardware development and biological science are about to be infused with the same kind of contestations and contradictions that already characterize software hacking. This is because hackers are not simply innovating new technology, but are at the same time discovering new ways of engaging with the world. The issue highlights how hacking practices are inscribed in and shaped by the cultural and political contexts in which the hackers find themselves, with implications for the ways hacker politics are framed.

Contributions by Denisa Kera, Maxigas, Sara Tocchetti, Paolo Magaudda, Morgan Meyer, Mitch Altman

Curated by Alessandro Delfanti, Johan Söderberg
Published in July 2012
ISSN 2213-5316

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