Jindřich Chalupecký: Na hranicích umění. Několik příběhů (1987/1990) [Czech]

19 February 2013, dusan

Výtvarný a literární kritik a historik umění Jindřich Chalupecký v knize portrétuje české a slovenské umělce Vladimíra Boudníka, Jiřího Balcara, Jiřího Koláře, Ladislava Nováka, Milana Knížáka, Alexe Mlynárčika, Evu Kmentovou, Petra Štemberu a Jana Mlčocha.

First published by K. Jadrný, Munich, 1987
Publisher Prostor, 1990
Arkýř series
ISBN 8085190060
160 pages



Robert T. Holt: Radio Free Europe (1958)

5 August 2011, dusan

What is radio Free Europe? Where does it broadcast? Who runs it? What are its purposes? Although thousands of Americans are familiar with Radio Free Europe (many have contributed to its support through the Crusade for Freedom campaigns), few know enough about its background to answer these and similar questions. In this book a political scientist with first-hand knowledge gives a detailed account of the organization and development of this unique propaganda enterprise.

Radio Free Europe was established as a private broadcasting project in 1949 by the Free Europe Committee, headed by Joseph C. Grew, as part of the Committee’s program of broad, long-range assistance to democratic exiles from totalitarian countries. The operational headquarters are located at Munich, and the broadcasts are directed to the people of five satellite countries: Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, and Poland.

Professor Holt tells how Radio Free Europe was established, outlines its basic policies and objectives, describes its organization, personnel, programming, and services, discusses transmission problems, and examines the effectiveness of the propaganda. He describes in detail the role of RFE in connection with the uprisings in Poland and Hungary and analyzes the charges that RFE stimulated the Hungarian revolt.

Publisher University of Minnesota Press, 1958
ISBN 978-0-8166-5788-9
249 pages

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