C. A. Gregory: Gifts and Commodities, 2nd ed. (1982/2015)

14 September 2015, dusan

“C. A. Gregory’s Gifts and Commodities is one of the undisputed classics of economic anthropology. On its publication in 1982, it spurred intense, ongoing debates about gifts and gifting, value, exchange, and the place of political economy in anthropology.

Gifts and Commodities is, at once, a critique of neoclassical economics and development theory, a critical history of colonial Papua New Guinea, and a comparative ethnography of exchange in Melanesian societies. This new edition includes a foreword by anthropologist Marilyn Strathern and a new preface by the author that discusses the ongoing response to the book and the debates it has engendered, debates that have become more salient in our evermore neoliberal and globalized era.”

First edition published by Academic Press, London, 1982.

Second edition
Foreword by Marilyn Strathern
New Preface by the Author
Publisher HAU Books, Chicago, 2015
Open access
ISBN 0990505014, 9780990505013
lxiii+268 pages

Reviews: Ronald Waterbury (American Anthropology, 1985), C.J. Bliss (Contrib Pol Economy).



François Laplantine: The Life of the Senses: Introduction to a Modal Anthropology (2005/2015)

4 July 2015, dusan

“Both a vital theoretical work and a fine illustration of the principles and practice of sensory ethnography, this much anticipated translation is destined to figure as a major catalyst in the expanding field of sensory studies.

Drawing on his own fieldwork in Brazil and Japan and a wide range of philosophical, literary and cinematic sources, the author outlines his vision for a ‘modal anthropology’. François Laplantine challenges the primacy accorded to ‘sign’ and ‘structure’ in conventional social science research, and redirects attention to the tonalities and rhythmic intensities of different ways of living. Arguing that meaning, sensation and sociality cannot be considered separately, he calls for a ‘politics of the sensible’ and a complete reorientation of our habitual ways of understanding reality.”

First published as Le social et le sensible: introduction à une anthropologie modale, Téraèdre, Paris, 2005.

Translated by Jamie Furniss
With an Introduction by David Howes
Publisher Bloomsbury, London, 2015
Sensory Studies series, 1
ISBN 1472534808, 9781472534804
xviii+152 pages

Reviews: Claude Rivière (Recherches sociologiques et anthropologiques, 2006, FR), Fabien Pernet (Anthropologie et sociétés, 2006, FR), Georges Bertin (Esprit critique, 2009, FR).


PDF (updated on 2016-8-20)

More on François Laplantine and sensory ethnography.

Jeanne Favret-Saada: The Anti-Witch (2009/2015)

31 May 2015, dusan

“A synthesis of ethnographic theory and psychoanalytic revelation, where the line between researcher and subject is blurred—if not erased—The Anti-Witch develops the contours of an anthropology of therapy, while deeply engaging with what it means to be caught in the logic of witchcraft. Through an intimate and provocative sharing of the ethnographic voice with Madame Flora, a “dewitcher,” Favret-Saada delivers a critical challenge to some of anthropology’s fundamental concepts.

Of interest to practitioners of psychoanalysis as well as to anthropologists, The Anti-Witch will bring a new generation of scholars into conversation with the work of a truly innovative thinker.”

First published as Désorceler, Éditions de l’Olivier, Paris, 2009.

Translated by Matthew Carey
Foreword by Veena Das
Publisher HAU Books, 2015
Open Access
ISBN 9780990505044
140 pages

Reviews: Arnaud Esquerre (Gradhiva, FR), Catherine Laurent-Chatelain (Société Psychanalytique, FR), Xavier Houssin (Le Monde, FR).

HTML (on publisher’s website)