Christof Migone: Sonic Somatic: Performances of the Unsound Body (2012)

22 January 2018, dusan

“This book delineates a territory of investigation for sound art and its various manifestations through historical, theoretical, polemical and critical analyses of artistic, musical and literary works. In doing so, Migone gives radical definition to an auditory study that includes the complexity of silence and mutism, identity and abjecthood, and language and its stutterances. The recurring site of these stagings is the somatic under all its forms: embodied and disembodied, fragmented and amplified, vocal and mute.

Concrete sites that are investigated include: Antonin Artaud’s writings, Alvin Lucier’s recording I am sitting in a room, Erik Satie’s composition Vexations, Marina Abramovic’s performance “Rhythm 0”, Adrian Piper’s Untitled Performance for Max’s Kansas City, Melville’s short story Bartleby, the Scrivener, Bob Connolly and Robin Anderson’s documentary film First Contact, and John Cage’s 4’33.”

Publisher Errant Bodies Press, Los Angeles & Berlin, 2012
Audio Issues series, 5
ISBN 9780982743942, 0982743947
296 pages
via author

Reviews: Daniela Cascella (The Wire, 2012), Alessandro Ludovico (Neural, 2013), Chris Kennedy (MusicWorks, 2013), Silvana Fiorese (Domus, 2013).


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code {poems} (2012)

2 January 2018, dusan

An anthology of poems written in source code.

Works by Aaron Broder, Alejandro Corredor, Álvaro Matías Wong Díaz, Andrew Couch, Andrew Parker, Antonio Moujadami, Atanas Bozdarov, Attila Palfalusi, Aymeric Mansoux, Bacchus Beale, Ben Englisch, Brad Sorensen, Bram De Buyser, Bruno Herbelin, Carrie Padian, Chris Adams, Chris Boucher, Cosima Dipalma, Dan Brown, Dane Hillard, Daniel Bezerra, Dave McKellar, Dave Mezee, David Berry, David Cantillon, David Devanny, David Homes, David Sjunnesson, Dean M Kukol, Dom Slatford, Ed Schenk, Elena Machkasova, Erik Knechtel, Giulio Presazzi, Gorenje Smack, Guilherme Kerr, Iris Dunkle, Irtaza Barlas, Izzy Edwards, Jake Forsberg, James Grant, Jason Kopylec, Jason Rowland, Jasper Speicher, Jeffrey Knight, Jennifer Mace, Jerome Saint-Clair, Jesse Pascoe, Joaquim d’Souza, John Dale, John McGuiness, John Saylor, Jolene Dunne, Jon Bounds, Jon Coe, Jonny Plackett, Jose Portelo, Josh Fongheiser, Joshua Reisenauer, Jot Kali, Ken Hubbell, Kenny Brown, Lans Nelson, Lutalo Joseph, Magda Arques, Marc van der Holst, Marco Triverio, Marcus Ross, Mario Sangiorgio, Mark Whybird, Mary Alexandra Agner, Matias Chomicki, Matt Painter, Matthew Painter, Matthew Perkins, Matthew Ward, Michael Cheung, Michael Fall, Mikey Hogarth, Nancy Mauro-Flude, Nataliya Petkova, Nemesis Fixx, Nicholas Starke, Nick Daly, Pall Thayer, Paul Illingworth, Peter Schonefeld, Petroula Sepeta, Rafael Romero, Ramsey Nasser, Rena Mosteirin, Renato Fabbri, Ricardo Sismeiro, Richard Fletcher, Richard Littauer, Roger Donat, Ruggero Castagnola, Ryan Christiansen, Ryan Kabir, Shani Naeema, Shawn Lawson, Signe Breum, Soon Van, Suhail Thakur, Sylke Boyd, Terek Ertman, Thibault Autheman, Thomas Braun, Thomas Pellegrini, Tobby Cheruthuruthil, Ubaldo Pescatore, V Nels, Vilson Vieira, Viviana Alvarez Chomón, William Dupré, William Linville, Wolf Herrera, Xtine Burrough, Yann van der Cruyssen, and Yves Daoust.

Edited by David Gauthier, Jamie Allen, Joshua Noble, and Marcin Ignac
Publisher Ishac Bertran, [Barcelona], Sep 2012
Second edition, Oct 2012
Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 3.0 Unported License
xii+67 pages
via aaaaarg

Book website

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Gertrude Stein: The Complete Writings (2017)

22 October 2017, dusan

“Requested by the readers of transition magazine, Gertrude Stein published “Bibliography” in 1929. This chronological list of her writings was revised and updated by Robert Bartlett Haas and Donald Clifford Gallup in 1941 (Yale University Library, New Haven), extended by Julian Sawyer in 1948 (Bulletin of Bibliography), and updated again by Richard Bridgman in 1970 (Gertrude Stein in Pieces, Oxford University Press), which, with some additions, forms the basis of this anthology.

Rare texts are still missing and will be added if I or someone else can find them. Texts have been obtained from various online sources and proofed, whenever possible, against scans of the books, but as the majority of books weren’t available in digital form, I have scanned, ocr’ed and corrected them myself. All texts have been formatted to resemble the original (and often quite idiosyncratic) layout as closely as possible, so you might want to refrain from choosing the font size too big. An alphabetical index and one by book publication should make it easy to find texts.” (note from editor)

Compiled by pynch
Self-published in January 2017
via editor

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