kuda.org (eds.): The Continuous Art Class: The Novi Sad Neo-Avant-Garde of the 1960s and 1970s (2005) [Serbian/English]

25 April 2011, dusan

“Although characterised by local specificities the Novi Sad Neo-Avantgarde of the 1960’s and 1970’s has been treated like other Eastern European arts. Other than a few exceptions, it has not been the focus of scholarly research. This is closely related to the social framework in which the artistic practice was carried out, as well as to the obstacles this social context engendered. Together these help to illustrate the impact of youth movements during that time, the geopolitical position and internal affairs of Yugoslavia, particularly within the local context of Vojvodina and Novi Sad.

The book is published on the occasion of “The Continuous Art Class” exhibition in Novi Sad, from the November 18th to the December 3rd, 2005. The exhibition is part of the longterm project “The Continuous Art Class”, and contextualizes project of research of this specific period. The other texts in the publication include: Media Ontology – Mapping of Social and Art History in Novi Sad by kuda.org, Relay as a New Economy of Scale by Katherine Carl, Collective Cultural Practices, Between the Sentiment and Functionality of Creative Communities by Branka Ćurčić, as well as arists, works, video documentation, referent literature presented at the exhibition.”

Translation: Orfeas Skutelis, Nikolina Knežević
Publisher: Revolver, Archiv für aktuelle Kunst, Frankfurt am Main, 2005
kuda.read series
Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 2.5 License
ISBN 3865882226
45 pages


PDF, PDF (updated on 2021-12-11)

Kontekst Archive 06/07/08 (2008) [English/Serbian]

25 December 2010, dusan

Gallery Kontekst represents one of the politically most important initiatives in Belgrade in the field of contemporary art. Through critical approach to the social reality and persistence to initiate
discussion on topics that are rarely discussed and thus take part in struggles against most conservative social processes, the team of *Kontekst Gallery *created unique space in the cultural-artistic scene in Belgrade. Some of the issues that Kontekst and people involved in its work dealt with (in collaboration with other artists, theorists, cultural workers and activists) are sex work (“Sex, Work and Society” project), Serbian nationalism and wars in Yugoslavia (especially through censored exhibition “Exception, contemporary art scene of Prishtina”), racism in Serbia (especially in relation to Roma community through actions against demolition and fencing of a Roma slum during the international sport event Universiade), contemporary mechanisms of surveillance (“Control and Resistance on the Street” project), privatization and illegal appropriation of public space (“Fifth Park-Struggle for the Everyday” project), homophobia (collaboration with QueerBelgrade festival), critical approach toward the process of the expansion of the European Union and its mechanisms of exclusion (Without Borders? project), etc.

The publication features interviews and program selection from 2006 to 2008.

Editors: Vida Knežević, Ivana Marjanović
Translation Novica Petrović, Vida Knežević, Ivana Marjanović
Publisher: Kontekst, Belgrade, 2008
ISBN 978-86-87291-01-0
208 pages

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gallery currently demands a new space