Brad Troemel: Peer Pressure: Essays on the Internet by an Artist on the Internet (2011)

24 October 2011, dusan

Peer Pressure is a collection of essays previously published online between 2010 and 2011. In the author’s words, “each essay is an impassioned description or prescription to understand the digital space we inhabit differently.” Most of these writings have been highly influential for the (relatively) small community the author addresses, eliciting many heated debates. The texts idealistically address creative platforms, image aggregators, relational practices, internet memes and much more.

Publisher LINK Editions, October 2011
ISBN 9781470915612
138 pages
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0



Vito Campanelli: Web Aesthetics: How Digital Media Affect Culture and Society (2010)

19 October 2011, dusan

“We live in a world of rapidly evolving digital networks, but within the domain of media theory, which studies the influence of these cultural forms, the implications of aesthetical philosophy have been sorely neglected. Vito Campanelli explores network forms through the prism of aesthetics and thus presents an open invitation to transcend the inherent limitations of the current debate about digital culture.

The web is the medium that stands between the new media and society and, more than any other, is stimulating the worldwide dissemination of ideas and behaviour, framing aesthetic forms and moulding contemporary culture and society.

Campanelli observes a few important phenomena of today, such as social networks, peer-to-peer networks and ‘remix culture’, and reduces them to their historical premises, thus laying the foundations for an organic aesthetic theory of digital media.”

Publisher NAi Publishers, Rotterdam; in association with the Institute of Network Cultures at the Hogeschool van Amsterdam, University of Applied Sciences, October 2010
Studies in Network Cultures series
ISBN 9056627708, 9789056627706
276 pages

Reviews: Greg J Smith (Rhizome, 2011), Alessandro Ludovico (Neural, 2011), Regine Debatty (We Make Money Not Art, 2011).

Book website
Interview with the author (Geert Lovink)
Interview with the author (Pasquale Napolitano, Digicult)


PDF, PDF (25 MB, updated on 2019-3-24)

Cole Stryker: Epic Win for Anonymous: How 4chan’s Army Conquered the Web (2011)

22 September 2011, dusan

4chan is the Anti-Facebook,” a site that radically encourages anonymity. It spawned the hacktivist group Anonymous, which famously defended WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange by bringing down MasterCard’s and Visa’s Web sites. Created by a 15-year-old wunderkind in 2003, it is the creative force behind “the Web’s most infectious memes and catchphrases” (Wired). Today it has over 12 million monthly users, with enormous social influence to match.

Epic Win is the first book to tell 4chan’s story. Longtime blogger and 4chan expert Cole Stryker writes with a voice that is engrossingly informative and approachable. Whether examining the 4chan-provoked Jessi Slaughter saga and how cyber-bullying is part of our new reality, or explaining how Sarah Palin’s email account was leaked, Epic Win proves 4chan’s transformative cultural impact, and how it has influenced–and will continue to influence– society at large.

Publisher Overlook Press, New York, September 2011
ISBN 1590207386, 9781590207383
304 pages

author’s account of publishing the book (
interview (
interview (New York Times)
interview (

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EPUB, EPUB (updated on 2014-12-22)