Matteo Pasquinelli (ed.): Media Activism. Strategie e pratiche della comunicazione indipendente (2002–) [IT, ES]

10 October 2010, dusan

“Media Activism è un libro operativo, una scatola degli attrezzi, un manuale e una cartografia dell’attivismo mediatico degli anni a venire». Indymedia, Adbuster, Candida Tv, Etoy, Radio Gap sono alcuni dei nomi più noti dei network di comunicazione e informazione indipendenti nati negli ultimi tempi. Su scala nazionale e internazionale, da alcuni anni si vanno diffondendo e affermando diversi poli di informazione alternativa. Le nuove tecnologie hanno infatti dato a chiunque la possibilità di improvvisarsi e diventare «media», dalla diffusione di notizie in rete alla vera e propria produzione di televisioni. I media indipendenti non sono allora semplicemente serviti al popolo globale per incontrarsi, organizzarsi e decidere cosa fare in occasione delle contestazioni dei vertici internazionali, ma hanno svolto anche una grande campagna di informazione e produzione di cultura. Su questi eventi, in rete circolano migliaia di filmati, video, testi, comunicati, analisi, documenti audio, illustrazioni. E in tutto il mondo milioni sono le persone che quotidianamente si connettono ai network per avere notizie in tempo reale, per seguire gli avvenimenti in diretta e per avere un’informazione più libera e ritenuta, quindi, attendibile. Questo libro è una mappa dei media indipendenti sparsi per il globo. Come sono nati, quando, con quali intenzioni. Quali forme comunicative adottano, quali strumenti. Come è possibile ritrovarli sulla Rete. Ma è anche un manuale che dimostra come bastino poche tecnologie per fare comunicazione.”

Interventi di: Mario Agostinelli, Matthew Arnison, Become Your Super Hero Project, Franco Berardi (Bifo), Bitsurs, Andrea Borgnino, Silvano mcsilvan Cacciari, Claudio Calia, Center for Digital Democracy, Lavo Cuciva, Vito Di Marco, Fair, David Garcia, DeeDee Halleck, Evan Henshaw-Plath, Janine Jackson, Claudio Jampaglia, Geert Lovink, Macchina, Lorenzo Maiorino, Raoul Marroquin, Stephen Marshall, Agila Mediattivista, Megachip, Federico Micali, Federico Montanari, Jason Nardi, Teresa Paoli, Matteo Pasquinelli, Denis Rojo, Davide Sacco, Sherwwod comunicazione, Nicole Smits, Society for Old and New Media, Paolo Soglia, Marco Trotta, Ugo Vallauri.

Publisher Derive Approdi, Rome, 2002
ISBN 8887423873
240 pages


Media Activism: strategie e pratiche della comunicazione indipendente (Italian, 2002, updated on 2017-10-14)
Mediactivismo: estrategias y prácticas de la comunicación independiente (Spanish, trans. Asamblea Florida Este, 2003, updated on 2017-10-14)

Daniel Gilfillan: Pieces of Sound: German Experimental Radio (2009)

19 May 2010, dusan

A cultural history of German radio broadcasting from the 1920s to today

Since the rise of film and television, radio has continued to evolve, with satellite radio and podcasts as its latest incarnations. Any understanding of the development of radio, like its visual counterparts, depends on closely examining the artistic ventures that preceded commercial acceptance.

In Pieces of Sound, Daniel Gilfillan offers a cultural history that explores these major aspects of the medium by focusing on German radio broadcasting, providing a context that sees beyond programming to consider regulations, cultural politics, and social standardization. Gilfillan showcases the work of radio pioneers and artists over the past century, including Brecht’s work with the form, and how radio was employed before and after World War II. He traces how German radio broadcasters experimented with networked media not only to expand the artistic and communicative possibilities of radio, but also to inform perceptions about the advantages and direction of newer telecommunications media like Internet broadcasting and pirate radio, which artists are using today to engage with a medium that is increasingly under corporate control.

Gilfillan astutely observes how claims made for the Internet today echo those made for radio in its infancy and puts forth a broad and incisive historical analysis of German cultural broadcasting.

Publisher University of Minnesota Press, 2009
ISBN 0816647720, 9780816647729
240 pages

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Christian Nold: Mobile Vulgus (2001)

4 January 2010, dusan

This book emerged out of one year of research and interviews with riot police, non-lethal weapon designers as well as activists and sociologists over the period of one year.

How can we come to new conceptual understandings of the behaviour of all the protagonists involved in political demonstrations?

How do people group together? And what are the methods of containment used in order to regulate the ‘vulgar mob’? These are just two of the questions elicited by Christian Nold in Mobile Vulgus . Looking at the tactics used by state forces, in particular, non-lethal weapons and associated training regimes, he traces the move toward total policing.

Positioning itself within the counter-tendencies the book then develops its own methodologies of action. Once aligned under a common desire this project reveals the potential force a crowd of people hold when they act as a cohesive whole. At once a textual treatise, a visual manual and an audio tool, Mobile Vulgus has developed out of in-depth research, alongside test situations in Bristol and London.

Editor Craig Martin
Publisher Book Works, 2001
Warm Seas series
ISBN 1870699564, 9781870699563
128 pages

Book website

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