Branko Vučićević: Paper Movies (1998–) [Serbo-Croatian, English]

26 January 2016, dusan

Paper Movies predstavlja prvo domače srečanje z igrivo in lucidno mislijo vsestranskega erudita, cinefila, zlasti pa tudi poznavalca zgodovine avantgardnih gibanj: slikovita knjižica z metodo filmsko-literarnega kolaža zariše obrise svojevrstnega »kina z drugimi sredstvi«, ki se zaključuje in nadaljuje v mediju tiskane besede.”

Publisher Arkzin, Zagreb, and B 92, Belgrade, 1998
ISBN 867963090X (Bgd), 9536542056 (Zgb)
79 pages
via MemoryoftheWorld, via Dejan Kršić


PDF, PDF (Serbo-Croatian, 1998)
Excerpts (English, trans. Greg de Cuir, Jr., 2014)

See also Pavle Levi’s Cinema by Other Means, 2012.
More on Vučićević.

Pavle Levi: Cinema by Other Means (2012–) [EN, SR]

15 January 2014, dusan

Cinema by Other Means explores avant-garde endeavors to practice the cinema by using the materials and the techniques different from those commonly associated with the cinematographic apparatus. Using examples from both the historical and the post-war avant-garde — Dada, Surrealism, Lettrism, “structural-materialist” film, and more — Pavle Levi reveals a range of peculiar and imaginative ways in which filmmakers, artists, and writers have pondered and created, performed and transformed, the “movies” with or without directly grounding their work in the materials of film. The study considers artists and theorists from all over Europe — France, Italy, Soviet Union, Germany, Hungary — but it particularly foregrounds the context of the Yugoslav avant-garde. Cinema by Other Means offers the English-language reader a thorough explication of an assortment of distinctly Yugoslav artistic phenomena, such as the Zenithist cine-writings of the 1920s, the proto-structural Antifilm movement of the early 1960s, and the “ortho-dialectical” film-poetry of the 1970s.”

Publisher Oxford University Press, 2012
ISBN 019984142X, 9780199841424
224 pages

Reviews: Matilde Nardelli (Oxford Art Journal, 2013), Greg DeCuir (Jump Cut, 2013), Bojan Jovic (Biblid, 2013, SR).
Exh. review: De Cuir (ARTMargins, 2013).


Cinema by Other Means (English, 2012, updated on 2024-4-26)
Kino drugim sredstvima (Serbian, trans. Đorđe Tomić, 2013, added on 2024-4-26)