Craig Dworkin, Simon Morris, Nick Thurston: Do or DIY (2012)

8 June 2017, dusan

“Mixing anecdote and advocacy, the first section of this two-part polemical essay offers an introduction to the concealed history of do-it-yourself publishing—as undertaken by some of the most revered writers in the modern Western literary canon, from Laurence Sterne (1713–1768) to Irma Rombauer (1882–1941) via Virginia Woolf (1871–1922) and Derek Walcott (1930–).

Having looked back at some of the monuments of literary history, the second section takes its charge from the epigraph, ‘Institutions cannot prevent what they cannot imagine’, and looks forward to the political praxis of the 21st-century’s digital future.

The essay was first commissioned by the Foreword for the London Art Book Fair 2011 catalogue.”

Publisher Information as Material, York/UK, 2012
Creative Commons Attribution BY 2.5 Licence
ISBN 9781907468124
18 pages
via Electronic Poetry Center

Review: Christina Patterson (The Independent, 2012).


Do or DIY (English, 2012)
Vydaj si sám (Slovak, trans. of excerpts, 2014)

Nazyvat veshi svoimi imenami (1986) [Russian]

2 January 2017, dusan

Anthology of programmatic texts of the 20th century avant-garde in Western Europe.

В сборник вошли программные выступления крупнейших западно-европейских писателей XX века: А. Барбюса, Р. Роллана, Л. Арагона, Г. Гессе, Т. Манна, Ф. Гарсиа Лорки, В. Вулф, Ж. П. Сартра, Р. Барта, У. Эко, Б. Брехта и др.

Называть вещи своими именами. Программные выступления мастеров западно-европейской литературы XX века
Edited by L.G. Andreev (Л.Г. Андреев), et al.
Publisher Progress, Moscow, 1986
640 pages

PDF (20 MB)

Jean-Claude Michel: The Black Surrealists (2000)

14 September 2016, dusan

“In their rebellion against Western civilization, the European surrealists contested their own society, of which, black surrealists were subjected to even harsher and shared the same dreadful racial memory of the slaveship. Black surrealists would strive to completely eradicate this hostile society by means of art, words, and metaphors.”

First published as Ecrivains noirs et le surréalisme, Naaman, Sherbrooke/Québec, 1982. Based on author’s 1979 dissertation from University of Michigan.

Publisher Peter Lang, 2000
Francophone Cultures and Literatures series, 29
ISBN 0820442690, 9780820442693
196 pages
