Asja Lacis: Revolutionär im Beruf, Berichte über proletarisches Theater, über Meyerhold, Brecht, Benjamin und Piscator (1971) [German]

14 February 2014, dusan

A memoir of the theatre director, actress and pedagogue Asja Lacis follows her life and theatre work in revolutionary Russia and the Weimar Republic, and offers commentary on work and ideas of avant-garde artists and groups of the time. Lacis was a personal friend and collaborator of Walter Benjamin and Bertolt Brecht (whom she introduced to each other), Erwin Piscator and Bernhard Reich, among others. She was a primary influence in moving Benjamin to the Left. Along with Reich she was also responsible for making Brecht known in the Soviet Union.

Edited by Hildegard Brenner
Publisher Rogner & Bernhard, Munich, 1971
132 pages
via richardb

Review (Patty Lee Parmalee, New German Critique, 1975, in English)
The Writing of Asja Lacis (Susan Ingram, New German Critique, 2002, 19 pp, in English)
Commentary (Susan Ingram, 2003)


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