Karla Jasso, Daniel Garza Usabiaga (eds.): (Ready) Media: Hacia una arqueología de los medios y la invención en México (2012) [Spanish]

31 March 2017, dusan

A book published to accompany an exhibition on media archaeology in Mexico.

Publisher Instituto Nacional de Bellas Artes y Literatura, Mexico City, 2012
ISBN 9786076050132, 6076050136
519 pages
via Román Luján‏

Publisher (incl. information about the accompanying set of 6 DVDs)

PDF (143 MB)

The Age of Discrepancies: Art and Visual Culture in Mexico, 1968-1997 (2006) [Spanish/English]

22 December 2016, dusan

“This survey of artistic experimentation in late twentieth-century Mexico assesses fields as diverse as painting, photography, poster design, installation, performance, experimental theater, Super-8 film, video, music, poetry and popular culture. It also attempts–in what may be an experimental work itself–to recreate ephemeral works, insofar as possible, with the support of the artists. The three tumultuous decades between 1968 and 1997 saw the end of the PRI (Institutional Revolutionary Party) in a violent final phase that began with the 1968 Tlatelolco massacre–which brutally crushed the student movement of 1968–and ended with the crises that followed the 1994 Zapatista uprising in Chiapas. The Age of Discrepancies is the first visual history to cover this exceptional period, and to propose a genealogy for the work that emerged from it.”

With essays by Olivier Debroise, Tatiana Falcón, Pilar García de Germenos, Vania Macías, Cuauhtémoc Medina, Lourdes Morales, Alejandro Navarrete Cortés, Álvaro Vázquez Mantecón.

La era de la discrepancia: arte y cultura visual en Mexico, 1968-1997
Edited by Olivier Debroise
Publisher Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México & Turner, México D.F., 2006
ISBN 9789703238293
469 pages
via Cármen Rossette Ramírez

Commentary: Cuauhtémoc Medina (c2013).

Publisher (2nd ed.)

PDF, PDF (35 MB)

Sonideros on the Sidewalks: Bring on the Revelry (2012) [Spanish]

5 September 2014, dusan

A collection of texts and photographs dedicated to the soundsystem culture of sonidero movement in Mexico.

El Proyecto Sonidero nace en 2008 con el fin de reconocer la potencia del movimiento sonidero como respuesta creativa, que opera como una plataforma transnacional de expresión, innovación, mediación, participación y comunicación para amplios sectores de México y América. Este es el territorio que explora nuestro trabajo con la comunidad de sonideros, los espacios culturales y los ámbitos académicos y artísticos. Juntos producimos conocimientos y acontecimientos.

EPS reúne a antropólogos, etnomusicólogos, promotores, sonideros, productores, fotógrafos, documentalistas y artistas de México, Estados Unidos, Colombia, Brasil, Bolivia, España y Argentina. Su base está en la ciudad de México.Po

Sonideros en las aceras, véngase la gozadera
Edited by Mariana Delgado, Marco Ramírez Cornejo and Livia Radwanski
Publisher Tumbona Ediciones, 2012
Creative Commons BY-NC-SA License 3.0
230 pages
via Mariana

Book website
Summary and photographs by Livia Radwanski (in Spanish and English)
Mariana Delgado about sonideros (Vice, 2008, in English)
Mariana Delgado about Polymarchs posters (Furtherfield, May 2014, in English)

See also a short documentary about Polymarchs, the electronic/disco side of the sonidero culture (12 min, 2014, English subs, added on 2014-9-6)