Barbora Buchtová: Mapování internetových memů v prostředí blogosféry a sociálních sítí (2011) [Czech]

20 February 2012, dusan

S nástupem fenoménu, který bývá mnohdy označován jako web 2.0, se začal značně rozmáhat trend sociálních sítí a blogingu. Pokud se na sociální sítě a blogosféru podíváme pod drobnohledem, zjistíme, že jsou uskupeny z mnoha memů, které v jednotlivých blozích a sociálních sítích kolují a tím je navzájem propojují. Zároveň se však jednotlivé memy v průběhu doby vyvíjí a proměňují. Tato magisterská diplomová práce popisuje vývoj a pohyb internetových memů prostřednictvím teorie sítí. Na základě aplikace blogové ontologie (BloOn) se pokuší vylíčit blogosféru a sociální sítě jako komplexní systém skládající se z mnoha vzájemně propojených elementů a vazeb mezi nimi. Zároveň se snaží memy v prostředí blogosféry a sociálních sítí klasifikovat a systematizovat nástroje, které dokáží internetové memy mapovat, dle metod webové memetiky. V závěru práce je možné naleznout analýzu komparující tři komerční nástroje určené pro monitoring sociálních sítí a blogosféry.

Diplomová práce
Masarykova Univerzita, Filozofická fakulta, Informační studia a knihovnictví/Informační studia a knihovnictví
Vedoucí práce: Michal Lorenz
Brno: FF MU, 2011

via andrejchudy

more info


Andrew Famiglietti: Hackers, Cyborgs, and Wikipedians: The Political Economy and Cultural History of Wikipedia (2011)

17 February 2012, dusan

“This dissertation explores the political economy and cultural history of Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. It demonstrates how Wikipedia, an influential and popular site of knowledge production and distribution, was influenced by its heritage from the hacker communities of the late twentieth century. More specifically, Wikipedia was shaped by an ideal I call, “the cyborg individual,” which held that the production of knowledge was best entrusted to a widely distributed network of individual human subjects and individually owned computers.

I trace how this ideal emerged from hacker culture in response to anxieties hackers experienced due to their intimate relationships with machines. I go on to demonstrate how this ideal influenced how Wikipedia was understood both those involved in the early history of the site, and those writing about it. In particular, legal scholar Yochai Benkler seems to base his understanding of Wikipedia and its strengths on the cyborg individual ideal. Having established this, I then move on to show how the cyborg individual ideal misunderstands Wikipedia’s actual method of production. Most importantly, it overlooks the importance of how the boundaries drawn around communities and shared technological resources shape Wikipedia’s content. I then proceed to begin the process of building what I believe is a better way of understanding Wikipedia, by tracing how communities and shared resources shape the production of recent Wikipedia articles.”

Doctor of Philosophy, Bowling Green State University, American Culture Studies / Communication, 2011
Dissertation Committee: V. Ekstrand, N. Patterson, R. Gajjala, D. McQuarie, D. Parry
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License
290 pages



Anne Laforet: La conservation du net art au musée. Les stratégies à l’œuvre (2009) [French]

12 December 2011, dusan

“The preservation of net art is a complex topic which requires the construction of a specific approach to look at internet artwork, one that takes into account the material dimension of the artwork. Preservation does not deal only with aesthetics, not only about the way the audience experiences artworks, but needs to have access to these types of information so the preservation process can take place.

This research presents an overview of works created by and for the Internet. The artworks which are described in this work are chosen specifically as examples for preservation purposes, and not according to a typology created for different purposes. This research also presents an overview of the institutions (based in Europe and in North America) that have developped specific preservation strategies. It takes the form of case analyses, which stem from observations, readings, and interviews.

This thesis also looks into the interaction between preservation and the other functions of the museum (collection, exhibition, research). Preservation cannot be tackled independantly, because it deals with the artwork’s life cycle within the museum. Every art work has to be treated in a way which is specific to itself. The issue of notation also arises then, as it’s necessary to find ways to describe artworks, especially as their technological environments will eventually be obsolete. This research explores the ways to compensate obsolescence: emulation, migration, score, re-interpretation, self-archiving, automatic archiving, etc (which can be also combined).

The attention to net art work as material socio-technical object means to find a way to look at those works : the code which composes the artwork, the files, its different files and the way they are organized, what happens on the screen, the interactions between the artward and the audience that experience it. The notions of code performativity and activation are useful in this approach.

Preservation happens only when value is attributed to what is preserved. Two categories of actors outside of the museum take part into this process: the art market on the one hand and art critics and art historians on the other. Both influence and get influenced by the museum.

All these elements allow the composition of a pluridisciplinar cartography on the topic of net art preservation.”

The preservation of Net Art in museums. The strategies at work
PhD thesis, University of Avignon, France
Supervisor: Jean Davallon
