Oleksiy Radynski: Optical Unconscious in Visual Culture (2008) [Ukrainian]

12 September 2010, dusan

Study of the interaction of Marxist and psychoanalytic projects in theory and practice of documentary films in 1920s and 1930s.

В роботі досліджується взаємодія марксистського та психоаналітичного проектів в теорії та практиці неігрового кіно 1920-30-х років.

Master thesis
National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy
Supervisor: Michael Sobutskiy



Jürgen Bruchhaus: Runet 2000. Die politische Regulierung des russchischen Internet (2001) [German]

9 September 2010, dusan

“In the present work I’m  interested in the political regulation of the Runet and follow the question, which participants with which interests are involved in this regulation and form under which influences them their preferences. To that extent it concerns with this work a sector study, whereby the substantial characteristics of this sector in the process of the work are to be worked out.” (author).

Master thesis
Osteuropa-Institut der Freien Universität Berlin
Herausgeber: Klaus Segbers
Redaktion: Susanne Nies
ISSN 1434 – 419X



Agnieszka Pokrywka: Sztuka nowych mediów Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej w latach 2000-2009 (2009) [Polish]

15 August 2010, dusan

“The thesis is a presentation and analysis of contemporary new media art in Central and Eastern Europe in the context of history (soviet times) and current situation (network society). First chapter of this work is focused on the issues mentioned above, simultaneously being kind of theoretical introduction to the concepts of Central and Eastern Europe, network society or new media art which are closely related to the technological revolution. Second chapter is kind of fusion between mentioned above subjects which apparently seem to be very different and discordant but in fact they’re deeply connected and dependent. Analysis of them allow us to understand correctly and truly realities of new media art origins in Central Eastern Europe. Comprehending of these terms became to be a necessary base for analysis technologically based art in the context of European (Chapter Three) and global (Chapter Four) networks of media creativity. Speaking generally, what has been discussed theoretically in the first part of this work is supplemented by specific examples in the second half which is showing different networks focused on organization, theory, practice of technological art. Complex and variable networks of new media art centers were visualized as a CEEMAC2000+ map (Appendix 3). The main aim of this thesis is to underline historical, political and economical influence on new media art development in Central Eastern Europe.”

Master of Arts thesis
Dept of Art Criticism and Promotion, Poznan Academy of Fine Arts, 2009
Supervisor: Professor Grzegorz Dziamski
Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 3.0 Poland License
111 pages

Accompanying material
