Rosa Menkman: Beyond Resolution (2020)

8 March 2020, dusan

“I opened the institutions of Resolution Disputes [i.R.D.] in March 2015, hosted by Transfer Gallery in New York. In September 2017, its follow-up Behind White Shadows opened, also at Transfer. Finally, in 2020 Shadow Knowledge found its way to SJSU Galleries in San José. At the heart of all three solo shows is my research into resolutions and together these exhibitions form a triptych framework for this publication: Beyond Resolution.

This little book also represents a journey spanning over 5 years, starting on a not so fine Saturday morning in early January 2015, when I signed the contract for a research fellowship in Amsterdam, to write a book about Resolution Studies.” (from Introduction)

Publisher i.R.D., 2020
ISBN 9789082827309
[108] pages
via author

Project website

PDF (15 MB)

James Benning: Two Cabins (2011)

25 January 2020, dusan

“This project based publication edited by Julie Ault documents and analyzes a body of work by the critically acclaimed filmmaker.

Benning reconstructed Henry David Thoreau’s and Ted Kaczynski’s iconic cabins, and uses these structures to reflect on utopian and dystopian versions of social isolation. Mounted on the walls of each cabin are copies of paintings by so-called outsider artists, also made by Benning. On the surface Benning’s two cabins are night and day, invoking contradictory sets of reclusive intentions and divergent paths leading back out. Deeper inquiry reveals the Thoreau / Kaczynski equation to be inspired. Benning’s engagement makes discernable a multitude of contacts between their motivations, beliefs, and experiences of seclusion. Benning’s armature artfully unfolds a complex articulation of practices of dissent, nonprescriptive ways of living, and the politics of solitude.

The book includes photography by Benning, essays by Julie Ault, Benning, and Dick Hebdige, and extracts from Thoreau’s and Kaczynski’s writings.”

Edited by Julie Ault
Publisher Art Resources Transfer, New York, 2011
ISBN 0923183485, 9780923183486
175 pages
via juleslineal, HT Auditory Scenes

Interview with author (Brian Sholis, Artforum, 2012)

PDF (10 MB)
Film (2011, 31 min)

Notes sur les mouvements (2013-2014) [French/English]

10 October 2019, dusan

A free publication edited by Romana Schmalisch during her residency at Les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers.

“The first issue analyses the conjunction of dance with Labour Movements of the 1930s (New Dance Group) as well as its use in the industry to enhance efficiency (Laban/Lawrence); it looks at the vague image that we have from various professions, researches the value of the performance of a work and its equivalence in the wage, and considers different forms of abstractions (notations and graphics) and training methods.”

“The second issue focuses on the question of education. In an interview, sociologist Anne Querrien discusses social norms and the school system. In her text, the London-based writer Marina Vishmidt revisits an earlier essay which considered the relationship between contemporary dance and the de-materialization of labour. What changes about this relationship as all employment becomes more and more of a brutal hypothesis in our post-crisis conditions?”

“The last, third, issue deals with what is at stake when one learns a job, with relationships between teachers and students, with various methods of education, and with the way these systems reflect certain social norms.”

Edited by Romana Schmalisch
Publisher Les Laboratoires d’Aubervilliers, Aubervilliers, 2013-2014
Open access
24 pages per issue


Issue 1 (September 2013)
Issue 2 (March 2014)
Issue 3 (September 2014)