Art Post-Internet: Information/Data (2014)

14 October 2014, dusan

A PDF catalogue accompanying the exhibition Art Post-Internet, curated by Karen Archey and Robin Peckham for the Ullens Center for Contemporary Art in Beijing during spring 2014. Includes two essays written by the curators, responses to a questionnaire on the nature of the term “post-internet,” and documentation of the works.

Edited by Karen Archey and Robin Peckham
Designed by PWR Studio, Berlin
Published in October 2014
134 pages

Catalogue website

PDF (18 MB, updated on 2021-5-19)

Eternal September. The Rise of Amateur Culture (2014)

14 October 2014, dusan

Curated by Valentina Tanni, Eternal September. The Rise of Amateur Culture is a group exhibition that explores the relationship between professional art making and the amateur cultural movements through the web.

This catalogue features a curatorial text by Valentina Tanni, together with an interview with artist Matthias Fritsch, the man beyond the Teknoviking meme, an essay by artist group Smetnjak on practicing critical theory in the form of internet memes, visual documentation of Tanni’s ongoing curatorial project The Great Wall of Memes, and a section dedicated to the works of 15 exhibited authors.

Publisher Link Editions, Brescia, with Aksioma, Ljubljana, September 2014
Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 International License
ISBN 9781291980608
82 pages


PDF (24 MB)

Fluxus. Eine lange Geschichte mit vielen Knoten. Fluxus in Deutschland 1962–1994 (1995) [DE, CZ]

14 October 2014, dusan

The second volume of two-part catalogue for the retrospective. Includes a Germany-related Fluxus chronology (1958-1995) and more than 300 reproductions of the exhibited works.

Edited by René Block and Gabriele Knapstein
Publisher Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen, Stuttgart, 1995
266 pages
via Libros de arte

Review: Jörk Rothamel (1995, DE).

PDF (German, 74 MB)
Dlouhý příběh s mnoha uzly. Fluxus v Německu 1962-1994: texty (Czech, trans. Jiří Strážnický and Jan Mattuš, 1995)