Jerzy Grotowski: Towards a Poor Theatre (1968–) [EN, ES, BR-PT, RO]

21 March 2015, dusan

A classic work on theatre. Text by Jerzy Grotowski, interviews with him and other supplementary material presenting his method and training.

Preface by Peter Brook
Publisher Simon and Schuster, 1968
Expanded edition, edited by Eugenio Barba, Routledge, 2002
ISBN 0878301550, 9780878301553
262 pages

Towards a Poor Theatre (English, 1968/2002, 6 MB)
Hacia un teatro pobre (Spanish, trans. Margo Glantz, 1970/1992, via)
Em busca de um teatro pobre (Brazilian Portuguese, trans. Aldomar Conrado, 1976, 63 MB, via)
Spre un teatru sărac (Romanian, trans. George Banu and Mirella Nedelcu-Patureau, 1998, 90 MB, via)

Ben van Berkel, Caroline Bos (eds.): ANY, 23: Diagram Work: Data Mechanics for a Topological Age (1998)

21 March 2015, dusan

A special issue of the magazine ANY (Architecture New York) focusing on the diagram and diagrammatics (page 14 onwards).

With contributions by Ben van Berkel and Caroline Bos, Stan Allen, R.E. Somol, Peter Eisenman, Manuel De Landa, Christine Buci-Glucksman, Andrew Benjamin, Karl Chu, Brian Massumi, Greg Lynn, Mark Rakatansky, Sanford Kwinter, and Wes Jones.

Publisher Anyone Corporation, June 1998
ISSN 10684220
62 pages
via waskleist

Commentary: Hélène Frichot (2011).


PDF (13 MB)

I Think That Conversations Are the Best, Biggest Thing That Software Has to Offer its User (2015)

20 March 2015, dusan

I think that conversations are the best, biggest thing that free software has to offer its user.

An extensive collection of conversations between developers and designers involved in the wider ecosystem of Libre Graphics. Speaking to each other about tools for typography, lay-out and image processing they render a portrait of a community gradually understanding the interdependencies between Free Software and design. Conversations is edited by Femke Snelting in collaboration with Christoph Haag.”

In conversation with: Agnes Bewer, Alexandre Leray, An Mertens, Andreas Vox, Asheesh Laroia, Carla Boserman, Christina Clar, Chris Lilley, Christoph Haag, Claire Williams, Cornelia Sollfrank, Dave Crossland, Dmytry Kleiner, Denis Jacquery, Dmytri Kleiner, Eleanor Greenhalgh, Eric Schrijver, Evan Roth, Femke Snelting, Franziska Kleiner, George Williams, Gijs de Heij, Harrisson, Ivan Monroy Lopez, John Haltiwanger, John Colenbrander, Juliane De Moerlooze, Julien Deswaef, Larisa Blazic, Ludivine Loiseau, Manuel Schmalstieg, Matthew Fuller, Michael Murtaugh, Michael Terry, Michele Walther, Miguel Arana Catania, momo3010, Nicolas Malevé, Pedro Amado, Peter Westenberg, Pierre Huyghebaert, Pierre Marchand, Sarah Magnan, Stéphanie Vilayphiou, Tom Lechner, Urantsetseg Ulziikhuu, Xavier Klein.

Concept, development and design by Christoph Haag, Xavier Klein, and Femke Snelting
Edited by Thomas Buxó, Loraine Furter, Maryl Genc, Pierre Huyghebaert, and Martino Morandi
Publisher Constant, Brussels, January 2015
Free Art License 1.3
ISBN 9789081145930
351 pages

Book website

PDF, PDF (30 MB, updated on 2018-6-20)