OPEN Cahier on Art and the Public Domain: Emergency Issue. The New Politics of Culture (2011) [Dutch]

1 October 2011, dusan

“The Dutch government’s new cultural plan and the cutbacks have intruded on our comfort zone and roughly awoken us from our reflective and theorising positions as critical observers.

This ’emergency issue’ of Open. Cahier on Art and the Public Domain is a special edition that accompanies De Groene Amsterdammer on September 23, 2011. It not only addresses the austerity measures, but also pays special attention to the overarching ideology and the right-populist government policy from which these arise.

Similarly, the publication does not merely defend the position of the arts, but is a record of public opposition to what many believe is a malicious policy that is adversely affecting or excluding growing numbers of groups (the sickly, immigrants, refugees, children, the elderly, artists, ‘ordinary’ people) and issues (relating to culture, knowledge, the environment, education, health care, multiculturalism).”

With contributions by Willem de Rooij, Jorinde Seijdel, Joke Robaard, Merijn Oudenampsen, Sven Lütticken, Willem Schinkel, Steven ten Thije, Dirk van Weelden, Bik Van der Pol, Can Altay, Jeremiah Day, Charles Esche, Zihni Özdil, Pascal Gielen, Robin Brouwer, Arnoud Holleman, Gert Jan Kocken, Florian Cramer, Josephine Bosma, Eric Kluitenberg, Grahame Lock, Marc Schuilenburg, Luuk Boelens, Hugo Priemus, Margreet Fogteloo, Samuel Vriezen, Jonas Staal, Chris Keulemans, Lotte Haagsma, Matthijs de Bruijne, Actie Schone kunsten, Wendelien van Oldenborgh, Foundland, Lidwien van de Ven, Liesbeth Melis, Thomas Buxó

Publisher: SKOR / NAi Uitgevers, September 2011
68 pages


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