Adriano Belisário, Bruno Tarin (eds.): Pirataria & Cultura Livre (2012) [Portuguese]

14 January 2013, dusan

Copyfight is a collection of Brazilian Portuguese texts that aim to address some of the disputes around the topic of intellectual property, throwing new light on the subject and showing how such conflicts have impacts not only in the field of media culture, but also on our everyday lives, as well as on the production of machines, objects or food.

As stated in its introduction, “the goal of the book is not to broadcast a single view or a final proposal for the current issues about free culture and piracy, but rather unveil a multitude of reflections and practices. Copyfight does not refer to a world of perfect fittings, but a world of friction.” In this sense, the book develops a experimental to its reading, allowing the access of texts through thematic nodes or through the notes of the editors.

The project is the result of two meetings, held in 2010 and 2011 in Rio de Janeiro and gathers contributions from Giuseppe Cocco, Jorge Machado, f? erre!, Silke Helfrich, Matteo Pasquinelli, Richard Stallman, Beatriz Cintra Martins, Bruno Tarin, Pedro Mendes, Antonio Negri, Chapolin, Yann Moulier Boutang, Felipe Fonseca, Washington Luis Lima Drummond, Marcus Vinicius, Antoine Moreau, Dmytri Kleiner, Florian Cramer, Guilherme Pimentel, Aymeric Mansoux, Tadzia Maya, Tomás Vega, Thiago Skárnio, and Miguel Afonso Caetano.

Publisher Azougue Editorial, Rio de Janeiro, December 2012
Free Art License
274 pages
via Aymeric Mansoux



David M. Berry, Giles Moss (eds.): Libre Culture: Meditations on Free Culture, 2nd ed. (2008)

15 April 2012, dusan

Libre Culture is the essential expression of the free culture/copyleft movement. This anthology, brought together here for the first time, represents the early groundwork of Libre Society thought. Referring to the development of creativity and ideas, capital works to hoard and privatize the knowledge and meaning of what is created. Expression becomes monopolized, secured within an artificial market-scarcity enclave and finally presented as a novelty on the culture industry in order to benefit cloistered profit motives. In the way that physical resources such as forests or public services are free, Libre Culture argues for the freeing up of human ideas and expression from copyright bulwarks in all forms.”

Publisher Pygmalion Books, Winnipeg, 2008
Res Divini Juris Libre Commons Licence
172 pages

PDF, PDF (updated on 2017-10-25)

Platform: Journal of Media and Communication. A Creative Commons Special Edition (2010)

20 May 2011, dusan

PLATFORM: Journal of Media and Communication is a biannual open-access online graduate publication. Founded and published by the Media and Communications Program, School of Culture and Communication, University of Melbourne (Australia), PLATFORM was launched in November 2008.

PLATFORM is refereed by an international board of established and emerging scholars working across diverse paradigms in Media and Communication, and edited by graduate students at the University of Melbourne. It is planned to develop it as an international journal.

A Creative Commons Special Issue: Yes, We’re Open! Why Open Source, Open Content and Open Access
Edited by graduate students at the University of Melbourne.
Guest edited by Elliott Bledsoe and Jessica Coates
Published by the School of Culture and Communication, University of Melbourne, Dec 2010
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 Australia licence.
ISSN: 1836-5132 online
120 pages

via tachykardia