Sarah van Gelder (ed.): This Changes Everything: Occupy Wall Street and the 99% Movement (2011)

2 December 2011, dusan

The Occupy Wall Street movement named the core issue of our time: the overwhelming power of Wall Street and large corporations— something the political establishment and most media have long ignored.

But the movement goes far beyond this critique. This Changes Everything shows how the movement is shifting the way people view themselves and the world, the kind of society they believe is possible, and their own involvement in creating a society that works for the 99% rather than just the 1%.

Attempts to pigeonhole this decentralized, fast-evolving movement have led to confusion and misperception. In this volume, the editors of YES! Magazine bring together voices from inside and outside the protests to convey the issues, possibilities, and personalities associated with the Occupy Wall Street movement.

This book features contributions from Naomi Klein, David Korten, Rebecca Solnit, Ralph Nader, and others, as well as Occupy activists who were there from the beginning, such as David Graeber, Marina Sitrin and Hena Ashraf. It offers insights for those actively protesting or expressing support for the movement—and for the millions more who sympathize with the goal of a more equitable and democratic future.

YES! Magazine is donating royalties from this book to support the Occupy Wall Street/99% movement.

Publisher Berrett-Koehler Publishers, 2011
ISBN 1609945875, 9781609945879
84 pages

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RMF Report: Breaking Up? A Route Out of the Eurozone Crisis (2011)

19 November 2011, dusan

“Debtor-led default and exit are fraught with risk, and have costs attached to them. But the alternative is economic and social decline within the EMU that could still end up in chaotic and even costlier exit. In contrast, if default and exit were planned and executed by a decisive government, they could put the country on the path to recovery. For that it would be necessary to adopt a broad economic and social programme including capital controls, redistribution, industrial policy, and thorough restructuring of the state. The aim would be to change the balance of power in favour of labour, simultaneously putting the country on the path of sustainable growth and high employment. Not least, national independence would also be protected.” (from Executive summary)

Authors: C. Lapavitsas, A. Kaltenbrunner, D. Lindo, J. Meadway, J. Michell, J.P. Painceira, E. Pires, J. Powell, A. Stenfors, N. Teles, L. Vatikiotis
Published by Research on Money and Finance, November 2011
RMF Occassional Report 3
92 pages

Media Coverage of the Report: The Miami Herald (by Joanna Kakissis, 17 November 2011), Prin (in Greek, by Petros Kosmas, 13 November 2011), El Pais (in Spanish, by Amanda Mars, 13 November 2011), Guardian (by Heather Stewart, 13 November 2011), Eleftherotypia (in Greek, by Leonidas Vatikiotis, 12 November, 2011), CNN (by Costas Lapavitsas, 10 November 2011).


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Occupy! An OWS-Inspired Gazette, 1 (2011)

25 October 2011, dusan

“With the help of Astra Taylor (Examined Life; Zizek!) and Sarah Leonard of Dissent and the New Inquiry, we’ve put together a history, both personal and documentary, and the beginning of an analysis of the first month of the occupation. Articles deal with the problem of the police; the history of the “horizontalist” management structure at OWS; how to keep a live-in going when what you’ve tried to shut down refuses to shut down (like Harvard, or Wall Street); on whether the Fed should be abolished; on where that Citibank arrest video came from; on occupations in Oakland, Philadelphia, Atlanta; on what happens next; and more.

It’s an attempt to begin to think through what is happening, written by people both on the ground and across the river. We hope you’ll read it and discuss it with us. There’s a lot more thinking and doing to do.” (authors)

Editors Astra Taylor, Eli Schmitt, Nikil Saval, Kathleen Ross, Sarah Leonard, Mark Greif, Christopher Glazek, Keith Gessen, Carla Blumenkranz
Publisher n+1, New York, October 2011
40 pages

Project’s Kickstarter page
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See also issues 2 and 3.