Félix Guattari: Chaosophy: Texts and Interviews 1972–1977, new ed. (2008)

5 April 2011, dusan

Chaosophy is an introduction to Félix Guattari’s groundbreaking theories of “schizo-analysis”: a process meant to replace Freudian interpretation with a more pragmatic, experimental, and collective approach rooted in reality. Unlike Freud, who utilized neuroses as his working model, Guattari adopted the model of schizophrenia—which he believed to be an extreme mental state induced by the capitalist system itself, and one that enforces neurosis as a way of maintaining normality. Guattari’s post-Marxist vision of capitalism provides a new definition not only of mental illness, but also of the micropolitical means for its subversion.

Chaosophy includes Guattari’s writings and interviews on the cinema (such as ‘Cinema Fou’ and ‘The Poor Man’s Couch’), a group of texts on his collaborative work with Gilles Deleuze (including the appendix to the second edition of Anti-Oedipus, not available in the English edition), and his texts on homosexuality (including his “Letter to the Tribunal” addressing the French government’s censorship of the special gay issue of Recherches he edited, which earned him a fine for publishing “a detailed exposition of depravity and sexual deviations… the libidinous exhibition of a minority of perverts”). This expanded edition features a new introduction by François Dosse (author of a new biography of Guattari and Gilles Deleuze), along with a range of added essays—including ‘The Plane of Consistency,’ ‘Machinic Propositions,’ ‘Gangs in New York,’ and ‘Three Billion Perverts on the Stand’—nearly doubling the contents of the original edition.”

Edited by Sylvère Lotringer
Introduction by François Dosse
Publisher Semiotext(e), 2008
Foreign Agents series
ISBN 1584350601, 9781584350606
300 pages


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Franco “Bifo” Berardi: Precarious Rhapsody: Semocapitalism and the Pathologies of the Post-Alpha Generation (2009)

3 April 2011, dusan

An infinite series of bifurcations: this is how we can tell the story of our life, of our loves, but also the history of revolts, defeats and restorations of order. At any given moment different paths open up in front of us, and we are continually presented with the alternative of going here or going there. Then we decide, we cut out from a set of infinite possibilities and choose a single path. But do we really choose? Is it really a question of a choice, when we go here rather than there? Is it really a choice, when masses go to shopping centers, when revolutions are transformed into massacres, when nations enter into war? It is not we who decide but the concatenations: machines for the liberation of desires and mechanisms of control over the imaginary. The fundamental bifurcation is always this one: between machines for liberating desire and mechanisms of control over the imaginary. In our time of digital mutation, technical automatisms are taking control of the social psyche.

Edited by Erik Empson & Stevphen Shukaitis
Translated by Arianna Bove, Erik Empson, Michael Goddard, Giuseppina Mecchia, Antonella Schintu, and Steve Wright
Publisher Minor Compositions, London, 2009
ISBN 1570272077, 9781570272073
153 pages

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Tiqqun: Premiers matériaux pour une Théorie de la Jeune-Fille (1999/2001) [French]

12 September 2010, dusan

Ceux qui ont réussi à s’aveugler sur le fait pourtant massif de la Jeune-Fille n’en sont pas à une cécité près : ouvrez n’importe quel magazine féminin, vous le verrez bien, la Jeune-Fille n’est pas toujours jeune, n’est pas toujours fille. Elle n’est que la figure de l’intégration totale à une totalité en désintégration. Elle « n’est bonne qu’à consommer ; du loisir ou du travail, qu’importe ».On ne la côtoie pas que sur papier glacé ; elle est le vecteur le plus abouti de la nouvelle organisation sociale et la forme la plus sophistiquée de la mutation anthropotechnique, car elle est la nouvelle physionomie du Capital. Le formatage jeune-filliste se généralise. Ainsi, quand d’aucuns protestent contre l’évidence que le monde n’est pas une marchandise, et d’ailleurs, eux non plus, ils feignent une virginité qui ne justifie que leur impuissance. Tiqqun ne veut ni de cette virginité ni de cette impuissance. Il ouvre dans ces Premiers matériaux la voie à une autre éducation sentimentale.

Originally published in Tiqqun 1, 1999
Revised edition
Publisher Éditions Mille et une nuits, September 2001
La Petite Collection series
ISBN 9782842055905
144 pages


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English edition (2010)
German edition (2009)