Mercedes Bunz: Vom Speicher zum Verteiler: Die Geschichte des Internet (2008) [German]

15 October 2011, dusan

Das Internet ist kein Speichermedium, es ist ein Verteilungsmedium. Deshalb ist nichts im Internet so beständig wie der Wandel – und das ist von Beginn an so gewesen. Schon in den sechziger Jahren wird die Vernetzung von Computern zugleich als Einkaufsmöglichkeit, als Austausch von Forschungen und als Sicherstellen durch verteilte Kommunikation nach einem Bombenangriff entworfen. Damit wird der Fokus bei diesem Medium immer wieder auf Schnelligkeit und Dynamik und nicht auf seine Beständigkeit gelegt.

Von diesen frühen Planungen der ersten Netzwerke bis hin zum heutigen Internetprotokoll verfolgt das vorliegende Buch die Entstehung und den Wandel dieser Technologie und stellt die wichtigsten Projekte, Visionäre und Ingenieure der Geschichte des Internet vor. Dabei zeigt sich auch: Die Entstehung dieser Kulturtechnik hat keineswegs nur in Amerika stattgefunden. Die Geschichte des Internets entspringt nicht einem Ort, sie folgt vielmehr seiner eigenen Architektur und ereignet sich selbst in Form eines verteilten Netzwerkes. Im Erzählen seiner Geschichte gilt es deshalb auch, einen Paradigmenwechsel zu vollziehen. Weil der Fokus dieses neuen Mediums auf dem Verteilen und nicht auf dem Speichern liegt, ist die Geschichte des Internet im besonderen Maße auch eine Herausforderung für das Denken einer zeitgenössischen Medientheorie.

Publisher Kulturverlag Kadmos, Berlin, February 2008
copyrights Bd. 20
ISBN 3865990258, 9783865990259
147 pages

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PDF (updated on 2012-7-25)

Ned Rossiter: Organized Networks: Media Theory, Creative Labour, New Institutions (2006)

16 June 2011, dusan

The celebration of network cultures as open, decentralized, and horizontal all too easily forgets the political dimensions of labour and life in informational times. Organized Networks sets out to destroy these myths by tracking the antagonisms that lurk within Internet governance debates, the exploitation of labour in the creative industries, and the aesthetics of global finance capital. Cutting across the fields of media theory, political philosophy, and cultural critique, Ned Rossiter diagnoses some of the key problematics facing network cultures today. Why have radical social-technical networks so often collapsed after the party? What are the key resources common to critical network cultures? And how might these create conditions for the invention of new platforms of organization and sustainability? These questions are central to the survival of networks in a post-dotcom era. Derived from research and experiences participating in network cultures, Rossiter unleashes a range of strategic concepts in order to explain and facilitate the current transformation of networks into autonomous political and cultural ‘networks of networks’.

Publisher: Eelco van Welie, NAi Publishers, Rotterdam
In association with the Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam
ISBN 9056625268, 9789056625269
250 pages

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PDF (eds.): bitomatik: Art Practice in the Time of Information/Media Domination (2004) [English/Serbian]

5 May 2011, dusan

bitomatik is a collection of texts, transcripts of lectures held at the New Media Center between 2001 and 2004. The texts describe models of comtemporary artistic production which use different media as a means of expression. Drawing on the activist-artistic practice of Novi Sad in the sixties and seventies, a period of the neo-avant garde, the Center has examined those phenomena containing an interdisciplinary and cross-media character. From the very outset, kuda.lounge has been a platform for discussion, argumentation, dialog and the contextualization of artistic practice, in the framework of which more than fifty presentations, lectures and workshops have been organized. Particular attention has been paid to communication and the exchange of ideas, primarily owing to the fact that the arts’ scene in Serbia during the nineties developed within a context of what is often called ‘Art in a Closed Society’, which resulted in a syndrome of self-referential artistic production. The Internet and the development of communication technologies formed the electronic backbone of social movements in the late nineties and the early part of this new century, and at the same time connected a smaller circle of Novi Sad artists (the Absolutely Association, Andrej Tišma, the Videomedia festival) which in spite of the odds established contact with the international scene, and brought members of this network to present their work in Novi Sad. International mailing lists such as Nettime, Syndicate and Spectre played a central role in this communication.

In inviting key names in media art and theory, has attempted to offer the local public an insight into international contemporary artistic practise. The local population has had a chance to familiarize themselves with the work of leading international and local artists, theoreticians and arts’ groups such as Critical Art Ensemble, Bureau d’Etudes, Armin Medosch, and Inke Arns. Lectures and presentations within the framework of kuda.lounge are orientated towards researching new media related to social activism, media theory, and conceptual art, new-media “genres” such as, software art, interactive art and generative art are explored .

The question of the so-called new media is quantitively identical to problems dealt with by the neo-avant-garde of the sixties and seventies, which conducted experiments with installations and video and electronic sound. These problems deal with the question of the relationship between medium and content, i.e. what’s new in new media. Media research is the history of researching communcation and extroversion and in itself simultaneously bears the political, seeking channels to address the masses and send a message. The avant-garde’s aspiration to penetrate society, to reach ground zero, and lead it in the utopian project of creating a fair society is closely connected to media research. The contents of this collection present different research and experiments in new media and a kind of manifestation of the artistic avant-garde at the close of the 20th century and the dawn of the 21st century.

These two elements; society as an object of intervention by an artistic project, and media research via which this intervention is to be carried out, are the basis of this collection of texts. This publication brings a cycle integrating debates and discussions on contemporary artistic practice to a close, and in a print medium presents them to a wider public.”

Contributions by Eric Kluitenberg, Darko Fritz, Armin Medosch, Inke Arns, Critical Art Ensemble, Bureau d’Etudes, and Raqs Media Collective.

Serbian title: bitomatik: Umetnička praksa u vreme informacijske/medijske dominacije
Publisher: Futura publikacije, Novi Sad, 2004 series, 2
Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 1.0 License
ISBN 8671880273
168 pages


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