Technologies of the Self: A Seminar with Michel Foucault (1988)

19 March 2014, dusan

A collection of essays based on a faculty seminar conducted and organised by the University of Vermont in the autumn of 1982. Contains an interview with Foucault made in October 1982, his six seminar presentations, a public lecture entitled “The Political Technology of Individuals”, and five presentations by members of the seminar.

Foucault’s presentations provide a concise overview of the conceptual and methodological shift that guided his “turn to the Greeks” in The History of Sexuality and his later seminars.

Edited by Luther H. Martin, Huck Gutman, Patrick H. Hutton
Publisher University of Massachusetts Press, 1988
ISBN 0870235931, 9780870235931
166 pages

Review (Montanus C. Milanzi, Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 2001)


Thomas McEvilley: The Shape of Ancient Thought: Comparative Studies in Greek and Indian Philosophies (2001)

17 December 2013, dusan

Spanning thirty years of intensive research, this book proves what many scholars could not explain: that today’s Western world must be considered the product of both Greek and Indian thought—Western and Eastern philosophies.

Thomas McEvilley explores how trade, imperialism, and migration currents allowed cultural philosophies to intermingle freely throughout India, Egypt, Greece, and the ancient Near East. This groundbreaking reference will stir relentless debate among philosophers, art historians, and students.

Publisher Allworth Press, with the School of Visual Arts, New York, 2001
ISBN 1581152035, 9781581152036
732 pages

Review (Will S. Rasmussen, Philosophy East and West)
Commentary (David Carrier, Artcritical)
McEvilley talks about his book (video, 34 min)

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Johannes Friedrich: Extinct Languages (1954/1957)

28 October 2013, dusan

This is the story of the art of deciphering forgotten languages and scripts. In this engaging and readable book author Friedrich, one of the foremost experts in both linguistics and archaeology, first describes the languages and scripts of the Ancient Orient, then proceeds on an intellectual journey that will take the reader through Egyptian Hieroglyphics, the cuneiform writing of Mesopotamia, the interpretation of Sumerian records, the scripts of the hittites and finally the languages of Ancient Italy.

First published as Entzifferung Verschollener Schriften und Sprachen, Springer, 1954
Translated by Frank Gaynor
Publisher Philosophical Library, New York, 1957
182 pages

Review (Herbert H. Paper, Language, 1955)

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