transversal, 06/14: Insurrection of the Published (2014) [DE, EN, ES]

29 April 2015, dusan

“The publishing industry is in a fundamental crisis. In its final hours it is beginning to lash out, but only hits itself. As much as academic apparatuses and cultural industries wrestle with conformity, the traditional forms of knowledge production remain just as incompatible with the new media conditions as with future emancipatory concatenations of writing, translating and publicly negotiating publications. “The Insurrection of the Published” emerges in these concatenations beyond the domestication of styles, forms and formats, beyond valorization and self-valorization, beyond the hegemonic mechanisms of exclusion like peer reviews, impact factors, ranking, and rigid copyright regimes.”

With contributions by EIPCP, Isabell Lorey, Otto Penz, Gerald Raunig, Birgit Sauer, Ruth Sonderegger, Stevphen Shukaitis, Traficantes de Sueños, Felix Stalder, and an Anonymous Iranian Collective.

Aufstand der Verlegten / Insurrection of the Published / Insurrección de los editados
Publisher EIPCP, Vienna, 2014
ISSN 1811-1696


New World Academy Reader #3: Leaderless Politics, with International Pirate Parties (2013)

21 October 2014, dusan

The international Pirate Parties consist of about 40 political parties worldwide, initiated by the founding of the first Pirate Party in Sweden in 2006. The parties present themselves as practitioners of leaderless politics, convinced as they are that the cult of leadership has long undermined the possibility of a true, direct democracy. The parties defend a process of permanent voting through an approach they term Liquid Democracy, in which online forums are maintained by each Pirate Party that give members the opportunity to continuously vote on new proposals. Despite the fluid nature of their programs, the parties nonetheless remain committed to defending several of their key causes, which include supporting a free and open Internet, common intellectual property, and the establishment of strong privacy laws to protect Internet users.

With contributions by Heath Bunting, Becky Hogge, Birgitta Jónsdóttir, Geert Lovink & Merijn Oudenampsen with Willem van Weelden, Matt Mason, Metahaven, and Dirk Poot.

Edited and with an Introduction by Jonas Staal, in dialogue with Dirk Poot
Publisher BAK, Utrecht, 2013
ISBN 9789077288207
146 pages
Out of print, now open access

Pirate Academy (event, December 2013)


Eternal September. The Rise of Amateur Culture (2014)

14 October 2014, dusan

Curated by Valentina Tanni, Eternal September. The Rise of Amateur Culture is a group exhibition that explores the relationship between professional art making and the amateur cultural movements through the web.

This catalogue features a curatorial text by Valentina Tanni, together with an interview with artist Matthias Fritsch, the man beyond the Teknoviking meme, an essay by artist group Smetnjak on practicing critical theory in the form of internet memes, visual documentation of Tanni’s ongoing curatorial project The Great Wall of Memes, and a section dedicated to the works of 15 exhibited authors.

Publisher Link Editions, Brescia, with Aksioma, Ljubljana, September 2014
Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 International License
ISBN 9781291980608
82 pages


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