Matteo Pasquinelli: Animal Spirits: A Bestiary of the Commons (2008)

2 July 2009, dusan

“After a decade of digital fetishism, the spectres of the financial and energy crisis have also affected new media culture and brought into question the autonomy of networks. Yet activism and the art world still celebrate Creative Commons and the ‘creative cities’ as the new ideals for the Internet generation. Unmasking the animal spirits of the commons, Matteo Pasquinelli identifies the key social conflicts and business models at work behind the rhetoric of Free Culture. The corporate parasite infiltrating file-sharing networks, the hydra of gentrification in ‘creative cities’ such as Berlin and the bicephalous nature of the Internet with its pornographic underworld are three untold dimensions of contemporary ‘politics of the common’. Against the latent puritanism of authors like Baudrillard and Žižek, constantly quoted by both artists and activists, Animal Spirits draws a conceptual ‘book of beasts’. In a world system shaped by a turbulent stock market, Pasquinelli unleashes a politically incorrect grammar for the coming generation of the new commons.”

Published by NAi Publishers, Rotterdam / Institute of Network Cultures, Amsterdam, December 2008.
ISBN 9056626639, 9789056626631
240 pages

Reviews: Luciana Parisi (Mute, 2009), Willem van Weelden (Open, 2009), Jussi Parikka (Leonardo, 2009), McKenzie Wark (Public Seminar, 2015).


PDF (updated on 2012-7-15)

Lawrence Lessig: Free Culture: How Big Media Uses Technology and the Law to Lock Down Culture and Control Creativity (2004–) [EN, ES, IT, HU, PL, CAT, ZH, DE, RU, PT, FR, CZ, KZ, NO]

1 March 2009, pht

“Lawrence Lessig argues that never before in human history has the power to control creative progress been so concentrated in the hands of the powerful few, the so-called Big Media. Never before have the cultural powers- that-be been able to exert such control over what we can and can’t do with the culture around us. Our society defends free markets and free speech; why then does it permit such top-down control? To lose our long tradition of free culture, Lawrence Lessig shows us, is to lose our freedom to create, our freedom to build, and, ultimately, our freedom to imagine.”

Publisher Penguin, 2004
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 1.0 License
ISBN 1594200068, 9781594200069
345 pages


Free Culture (English, 2004)
Cultura libre (Spanish, 2004)
Cultura libera (Italian, 2005)
Szabad kultura (Hungarian, 2005)
Wolna kultura (Polish, 2005)
Cultura lliure (Catalan, 2005)
自由文化 (Chinese, 2006)
Freie Kultur (German, 2006)
Свободная Культура (Russian, 2007)
Cultura livre (Portuguese, 2007)
Culture libre (French, 2009)
Svobodná kultura (Czech, 2010)
Еркін мәдениет (Kazakh, 2012)
Fri kultur (Norwegian, 2015, other formats)

Pirates of the Digital Millennium: How the Intellectual Property Wars Damage Our Personal Freedoms, Our Jobs, and the World Economy

25 February 2009, pht

Covers intellectual property wars: every side, the implications, the economics, the law, the ethics, the players, and the realities, including the findings of a 57-country digital piracy research project and survey and focus group research.

Pirates of the Digital Millennium: How the Intellectual Property Wars Damage Our Personal Freedoms, Our Jobs, and the World Economy
By John Gantz, Jack B. Rochester
Edition: illustrated
Published by Financial Times/Prentice Hall, 2004
ISBN 0131463152, 9780131463158
294 pages