Anders Rydell, Sam Sundberg: Piraterna: De svenska fildelarna som plundrade Hollywood (2009) [Swedish]

23 May 2012, dusan

The Pirate Bay, Piratpartiet och Piratbyrån befinner sig i främsta ledet av en global folkrörelse: alla de miljoner människor som fildelar. För vissa är piraterna hjältar, för andra är de terrorister som hotar att rasera hela musik- och filmbranschen. I Sam Sundbergs och Anders Rydells djuplodande reportage får läsaren lära känna piraterna – hur de lever, hur de tänker och vad som driver dem. Går det att stoppa dem, eller har illegal fildelning blivit så accepterat att det redan är för sent? Oavsett vad man tycker om den olagliga fildelningen så har den kommit att bli tjugohundratalets viktigaste svenska kulturexport.

Publisher Ordfront Förlag, Stockholm, February 2009
ISBN 9789170373206
235 pages

commentary (The Pirate Bay)
commentary (Rasmus Fleischer)

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International Journal of Communication, Vol. 6, with special sections: Info Capacity, Piracy Cultures (2012)

4 May 2012, dusan

The International Journal of Communication is an online, multi-media, academic journal that adheres to the highest standards of peer review and engages established and emerging scholars from anywhere in the world. The International Journal of Communication is an interdisciplinary journal that, while centered in communication, is open and welcoming to contributions from the many disciplines and approaches that meet at the crossroads that is communication study.

Special sections: Info Capacity, Piracy Cultures.
Features: Transnational Connections Symposium.

Editor: Larry Gross
Published by University of Southern California, Annenberg Press, Los Angeles, CA, 2012

PDF (PDF articles)

Julie E. Cohen: Configuring the Networked Self: Law, Code, and the Play of Everyday Practice (2012)

19 March 2012, dusan

The legal and technical rules governing flows of information are out of balance, argues Julie E. Cohen in this original analysis of information law and policy. Flows of cultural and technical information are overly restricted, while flows of personal information often are not restricted at all. The author investigates the institutional forces shaping the emerging information society and the contradictions between those forces and the ways that people use information and information technologies in their everyday lives. She then proposes legal principles to ensure that people have ample room for cultural and material participation as well as greater control over the boundary conditions that govern flows of information to, from, and about them.

Publisher Yale University Press, 2012
ISBN 0300125437, 9780300125436
Printable version is under a Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial ShareAlike license
352 pages

the author discussing her book (video)

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