Shen, Yu, Buford, Akon (eds.): Handbook of Peer-to-Peer Networking (2010)

24 February 2012, dusan

The handbook offers elaborate discussions on fundamentals of peer-to-peer computing models, networks and applications, and provides a comprehensive study on recent advancements, crucial design choices, open problems, and possible solution strategies. It is written by a team of leading international researchers and professionals

Peer-to-peer networking, a disruptive technology for large scale distributed applications, has gained widespread attention due to the successes of peer-to-peer (P2P) content sharing, media streaming, and telephony applications. In addition, a large range of new applications are under development or being proposed. The underlying architectures share features including decentralization, end system resources, autonomy, virtualization, and self-organization. These features constitute the P2P paradigm. Trends in information and network technology such as increased performance and deployment of broadband networking, wireless networking, and mobile devices are synergistic with and reinforce the capabilities of this P2P paradigm.

The Handbook of Peer-to-Peer Networking is dedicated to discussions on P2P networks and their applications, thus providing an exhaustive view of the state-of-the-art of the P2P networking field. Written by leading international experts, the volume contains fifty chapters dedicated to the following topics:

• Introduction to Peer-to-Peer Networking
• Unstructured P2P Overlay Architectures
• Structured P2P Overlay Architectures
• Search and Query Processing
• Incentive Mechanisms
• Trust, Anonymity, and Privacy
• Broadcast and Multicast Services
• Multimedia Content Delivery
• Mobile P2P
• Fault Tolerance in P2P Networks
• Measurement and P2P Traffic Characteristics
• Advanced P2P Computing and Networking

This comprehensive volume serves as an essential reference for researchers and professionals, The book is also suitable for computer science and engineering students at the advanced undergraduate level or higher who are familiar with networking, network protocol concepts, and basic ideas about algorithms.

Edited by Xuemin Shen, Heather Yu, John Buford, Mursalin Akon
Publisher Springer New York Dordrecht Heidelberg London
ISBN 978-0-387-09750-3
1421 pages



Eric Gordon, Adriana de Souza e Silva: Net Locality: Why Location Matters in a Networked World (2011)

9 February 2012, dusan

Provides an introduction to the new theory of Net Locality and the profound effect on individuals and societies when everything is located or locatable.

– Describes net locality as an emerging form of location awareness central to all aspects of digital media, from mobile phones, to Google Maps, to location-based social networks and games, such as Foursquare and facebook.
– Warns of the threats these technologies, such as data surveillance, present to our sense of privacy, while also outlining the opportunities for pro-social developments.
– Provides a theory of the web in the context of the history of emerging technologies, from GeoCities to GPS, Wi-Fi, Wiki Me, and Google Android.

Publisher John Wiley & Sons, 2011
ISBN 1405180609, 9781405180603
200 pages

google books

PDF (updated on 2013-2-6)

Panoptykon: Nadzór 2011: Próba podsumowania (2011) [Polish]

26 January 2012, dusan

“Raport stanowi zwieńczenie projektu monitoringowego, który realizowaliśmy od października 2010. Skupia się na tych aktualnych tematach, które – w naszej ocenie – najlepiej ukazują napięcia i wyzwania związane ze współczesnym nadzorem: monitoring wizyjny, retencja i dostęp służb do danych telekomunikacyjnych, przekazywanie danych między służbami różnych państw, system informacji w ochronie zdrowia oraz system informacji oświatowej. Raport przybliża również pojęcie społeczeństwa nadzorowanego oraz jego konsekwencje dla podstawowych praw i wolności:

Konsekwencją rozwoju społeczeństwa nadzorowanego jest ograniczenie prywatności jednostek, ich autonomii informacyjnej i tajemnicy korespondencji. Ale to nie wszystko. Nadzór może również wiązać się z ograniczeniami wolności słowa czy prawa do informacji, a przez to prowadzić do pogłębiania się przepaści informacyjnej: państwo korporacje wiedzą o nas coraz więcej, my o nich – coraz mniej.”

Written by Małgorzata Szumańska and Dorota Głowacka
Published by Panoptykon Foundation, Warsaw, October 2011
Creative Commons 3.0 BY Polska
76 pages

conference (October 2011, Warsaw)
