Panoptykon: Nadzór 2011: Próba podsumowania (2011) [Polish]

26 January 2012, dusan

“Raport stanowi zwieńczenie projektu monitoringowego, który realizowaliśmy od października 2010. Skupia się na tych aktualnych tematach, które – w naszej ocenie – najlepiej ukazują napięcia i wyzwania związane ze współczesnym nadzorem: monitoring wizyjny, retencja i dostęp służb do danych telekomunikacyjnych, przekazywanie danych między służbami różnych państw, system informacji w ochronie zdrowia oraz system informacji oświatowej. Raport przybliża również pojęcie społeczeństwa nadzorowanego oraz jego konsekwencje dla podstawowych praw i wolności:

Konsekwencją rozwoju społeczeństwa nadzorowanego jest ograniczenie prywatności jednostek, ich autonomii informacyjnej i tajemnicy korespondencji. Ale to nie wszystko. Nadzór może również wiązać się z ograniczeniami wolności słowa czy prawa do informacji, a przez to prowadzić do pogłębiania się przepaści informacyjnej: państwo korporacje wiedzą o nas coraz więcej, my o nich – coraz mniej.”

Written by Małgorzata Szumańska and Dorota Głowacka
Published by Panoptykon Foundation, Warsaw, October 2011
Creative Commons 3.0 BY Polska
76 pages

conference (October 2011, Warsaw)



Die Datenschleuder: Das wissenschaftliche Fachblatt für Datenreisende, 1-96 (1984-2011) [German]

29 December 2011, dusan

Die Datenschleuder. Das wissenschaftliche Fachblatt für Datenreisende, literally translated as The Data Slingshot: The scientific trade journal for data voyagers, is a German hacker magazine that is released in irregular intervals by the Chaos Computer Club (CCC).

Topics include political and technical aspects of the digital world such as freedom of information, data privacy (data protection), closed-circuit television, personal privacy (personal rights), cryptography and many more.

Die Datenschleuder was first published in 1984 and also can be subscribed to independent of a membership in the CCC. Back issues are freely available on the Internet as well. The current print paper format is DIN A5 as per ISO 216. Its editorial office is carried on virtually over the Internet, while the magazine itself is printed in and distributed from Berlin.” (Wikipedia)

Edited by 46halbe, starbug and erdgeist
Publisher Chaos Computer Club e.V., Hamburg
ISSN 0930-1054

Magazine website

Internet Archive

Wil Allsopp: Unauthorised Access: Physical Penetration Testing for IT Security Teams (2009)

24 August 2011, dusan

The first guide to planning and performing a physical penetration test on your computer’s security
Most IT security teams concentrate on keeping networks and systems safe from attacks from the outside-but what if your attacker was on the inside? While nearly all IT teams perform a variety of network and application penetration testing procedures, an audit and test of the physical location has not been as prevalent. IT teams are now increasingly requesting physical penetration tests, but there is little available in terms of training. The goal of the test is to demonstrate any deficiencies in operating procedures concerning physical security.

Featuring a Foreword written by world-renowned hacker Kevin D. Mitnick and lead author of The Art of Intrusion and The Art of Deception, this book is the first guide to planning and performing a physical penetration test. Inside, IT security expert Wil Allsopp guides you through the entire process from gathering intelligence, getting inside, dealing with threats, staying hidden (often in plain sight), and getting access to networks and data.

– Teaches IT security teams how to break into their own facility in order to defend against such attacks, which is often overlooked by IT security teams but is of critical importance
– Deals with intelligence gathering, such as getting access building blueprints and satellite imagery, hacking security cameras, planting bugs, and eavesdropping on security channels
– Includes safeguards for consultants paid to probe facilities unbeknown to staff
– Covers preparing the report and presenting it to management

In order to defend data, you need to think like a thief-let Unauthorised Access show you how to get inside.

Publisher John Wiley and Sons, 2009
ISBN 0470747617, 9780470747612
302 pages

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