Freiheit vor Ort: Handbuch kommunale Netzpolitik (2011) [German]

2 May 2011, dusan

Freiheit beginnt vor Ort. Dies gilt gerade auch für Freiheit in der digitalen Gesellschaft. In acht Kapiteln widmen sich fünfzehn AutorInnen kommunaler Netzpolitik in all ihren Facetten: von Freien Funknetzen, Creative Commons, offenen Lehrunterlagen, Open Source Software, Blogs und Wikis bis zu Open Government, Open Data und dem Web als Kompetenz- und Forschungsfeld.

Im Anschluss an die Beiträge kommen in Interviews Menschen zu Wort, die global oder lokal in den genannten Bereichen tätig sind, u.a. der Gründer der Free Software Foundation, Richard Stallman, Creative-Commons-Initiator Lawrence Lessig oder Wendy Hall, Mitinitiatorin der neuen Studien- und Forschungsrichtung Webwissenschaften.

Konkrete Projektvorschläge schließen die Kapitel ab. Sie richten sich an lokale EntscheidungsträgerInnen und netzpolitisch Interessierte, die die Potentiale digitaler Technologien für Wirtschaft, Bildung, Kunst und Kultur ausschöpfen möchten. Vor Ort.

Bearbeitete Neuauflage des Bandes Freie Netze. Freies Wissen, Echo media verlag, Wien 2007.

Editors: Leonhard Dobusch, Christian Forsterleitner, Manuela Hiesmair
Publisher: Open Source Press, München, 2011
ISBN: 978-3-941841-40-6
266 pages
Licensed under Creative Commons License BY-SA 2.0 AT



Stefan Sonvilla-Weiss (ed.): Mashup Cultures (2010)

21 December 2010, dusan

This volume brings together cutting-edge thinkers and scholars together with young researchers and students, proposing a colourful spectrum of media-theoretical, -practical and -educational approaches to current creative practices and techniques of production and consumption on and off the web. Along with the exploration of some of the emerging social media concepts, the book unveils some of the key drivers leading to participatory engagement of the User.

Mashup Cultures presents a broader view of the effects and consequences of current remix practices and the recombination of existing digital cultural content. The complexity of this book, which appears on the occasion of the fifth anniversary of the international MA study program ePedagogy Design – Visual Knowledge Building, also by necessity seeks to familiarize the reader with a profound glossary and vocabulary of Web 2.0 cultural techniques.
With contributions by Axel Bruns, Brenda Castro, Doris Gassert, David Gauntlett, Mizuko Ito, Henry Jenkins, Owen Kelly, Noora Sopula & Joni Leimu, Torsten Meyer, Eduardo Navas, Christina Schwalbe, Stefan Sonvilla-Weiss, Wey-Han Tan and Tere Vadén & Juha Varto.

Publisher Springer, 2010
ISBN 370910095X, 9783709100950
Length 256 pages

review (Mike Mosher, Leonardo Reviews)

google books


Zehar, 53-57 (2004-2006) [English/Spanish/Basque]

25 December 2009, dusan

Zehar is a magazine of art and contemporary culture. Zehar uses a transitory denomination (through) to define its purpose as a receptive intermediary between the artistic community and society at large.The magazine’s aim is to maintain a critical reflective spirit, inspired by the conviction of the need for consolidated stable bases, which enrich the context and a plural environment. Zehar is four monthly. In order to encourage the variety of ideas, we devote each issue to one theme and invite a guest editor to work on it.

The section titled Shorts presents reviews about exhibitions, events, books and films. The paper version has two editions, Basque/Spanish and English/Spanish, but the electronic edition is trilingual. Zehar is published by Arteleku, a public art centre under the auspices of the Culture Department of the Regional Government of Gipuzkoa, Basque Country, Spain.”

Perspectives on Listening
Zehar 53, 2004

single PDF

Decoys and Disruptions
Zehar 55, 2005

single PDF

Archive Fever
Zehar 56, 2005

single PDF

Zehar 57, November 2006

single PDF

Magazine website