Donna J. Haraway: Staying with the Trouble: Making Kin in the Chthulucene (2016)

29 December 2016, dusan

“In the midst of spiraling ecological devastation, multispecies feminist theorist Donna J. Haraway offers provocative new ways to reconfigure our relations to the earth and all its inhabitants. She eschews referring to our current epoch as the Anthropocene, preferring to conceptualize it as what she calls the Chthulucene, as it more aptly and fully describes our epoch as one in which the human and nonhuman are inextricably linked in tentacular practices. The Chthulucene, Haraway explains, requires sym-poiesis, or making-with, rather than auto-poiesis, or self-making. Learning to stay with the trouble of living and dying together on a damaged earth will prove more conducive to the kind of thinking that would provide the means to building more livable futures. Theoretically and methodologically driven by the signifier SF—string figures, science fact, science fiction, speculative feminism, speculative fabulation, so far—Staying with the Trouble further cements Haraway’s reputation as one of the most daring and original thinkers of our time.”

Publisher Duke University Press, 2016
Experimental Futures series
ISBN 9780822373780, 0822373785
xv+296 pages

Talk (video, 25 min, 2014)

Interview with author: Lauren O’Neill-Butler (Artforum, 2016).

Reviews: Archie Davies (Antipode, 2016), Matt Thompson (Savage Minds, 2016), Ingrid M. Hoofd (Feminist Review, 2017), Devin Proctor (Anthropological Quarterly, 2017), Danya Glabau (J Cultural Economy, 2017), Oliver Basciano (ArtReview, 2017), Ben Denham (Sydney Review of Books, 2017), Juan Guevara (Space and Culture, 2018), Gyrus (Dreamflash, 2018), Luis Campos (Quarterly Review of Biology, 2018), Kaisa Kortekallio (European Journal of Women’s Studies, 2019), Irene Wolfstone (Imaginations, 2019), Thierry Hoquet (Critique, 2019, FR), Doortje Hörst (Junctions, 2019).


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