Kim Stanley Robinson: The Ministry for the Future (2020)

17 August 2021, dusan

“Kim Stanley Robinson is one of contemporary science fiction’s most acclaimed writers, and with this new novel, he once again turns his eye to themes of climate change, technology, politics, and the human behaviors that drive these forces. But his setting is not a desolate, post-apocalyptic world – rather, he imagines a more hopeful future, one where humanity has managed to overcome our challenges and thrive.”

Publisher Orbit Books, New York and London, Oct 2020
ISBN 9780316300131, 0316300136
563 pages

Interviews with author.
Reviews: Derrick O’Keefe (Jacobin, 2020), Gerry Canavan (Los Angeles Review of Books, 2020), Bill McKibben (New York Review, 2020), Steven Poole (The Guardian, 2020), Mark Yon (SFF World, 2020), Kirkus Reviews (2020),Michael Svoboda (Yale Climate Connections, 2020), Nick Robins (LSE blog, 2021), Cory Doctorow (2020), Ian Maxton (Spectrum Culture, 2020), George Katsiaficas (PM Press, 2021), Martin Empson (Climate & Capitalism, 2021), Bob Frame and Patrick Flamm (Polar Record, 2021).
Commentary: Andreas Malm (Verso Blogs, 2021), Jan Bělíček, Eva Klíčová (Alarm, podcast, 2024, CZ).
Book seminar: Crooked Timber (2021, Robinson’s response).



2 Responses to “Kim Stanley Robinson: The Ministry for the Future (2020)”

  1. winston on September 5, 2021 5:08 am

    Climate change is an elitist lie.

    The entire world could fit into North America with a 1/4 acre or more each.

    UN Sustainability studies: Half the scientists said the Earth could support MORE people than currently living on earth.

  2. Churchill on October 6, 2021 3:29 pm

    Climate change is no lie, you’re ignorant.

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