Archives of the Commons II: The Anomic Archive (2021) [English, Spanish]

18 March 2021, dusan

“In the past few years, we have seen emerging alternative and autonomous experiences of archive management and production that move away from the legitimized principles and regulations to explore the possibilities of the common. If what is common implies to leave the logic of property, if it implies to work against the privatization of knowledge and to abandon the consideration of what is public as exclusive patrimony of the State, the challenge is to find collaborative ways of production, distribution and circulation of knowledge. The experiences tackled in this book multiply the ways of conceiving and facilitating access to different types of documentary collections, so as to favor the plural becoming of history and its different writing and re-writing, elaborating and re-elaborating, in a continuous movement, that what we can call common.”

With contributions by Nancy Dantas (Center for Curating the Archive), Graciela Carnevale (Archivo Graciela Carnevale), Lani Hanna (Interference Archive(, May Puchet (RedCSur), Philippe Artières, Daniel G. Andújar, Alessandro Ludovico, Red Conceptualismos del Sur, Paulina Bravo (Archiveras sin fronteras), Kristóf Nagy (Artpool Research Center), Eva Weinmar (Piracy Proyect), Maite Muñoz Iglesias, LACA YAXS, Ernesto Oroza (Desobediencia tecnológica), Gareth Bell-Jones (The Flat Time House), Francisco Brives, Néstor Prieto, María Gil, Patricia Rodriguez, and Elsa Velasco (Museo La Neomudéjar).

Edited by Fernanda Carvajal, Mela Dávila Freire, Mabel Tapia
Publisher Red Conceptualismos del Sur (RedCSur)/Pasafronteras, Buenos Aires, 2021
Creative Commons BY-NC-SA International License 4.0
ISBN 9782956997115
145 pages

Seminar (2017)

PDF, PDF (English, 34 MB)
PDF, PDF (Spanish, 34 MB)

May Opitz, Katharina Oguntoye, Dagmar Schultz (eds.): Showing Our Colors: Afro-German Women Speak Out (1991)

17 March 2021, dusan

“ISD (Initiative Schwarze Menschen in Deutschland), ADEFRA (Schwarze Frauen in Deutschland), Neuen Schwarzen Bewegung, all began in the 1980s in Berlin, centred around Freie Universität where Dagmar Schultz was professor. She invited Audre Lorde as a visiting professor from 1984, where May Opitz (from 1992 May Ayim) and Katharina Oguntoye attended her seminars. Out of this came Black History Month in Germany in 1991, and Farbe bekennen: Afro-deutsche Frauen auf den Spuren ihrer Geschichte, published in 1986.” (Source)

First published in German as Farbe bekennen: afro-deutsche Frauen auf den Spuren ihrer Geschichte, Orlanda Frauenverlag, Berlin, 1986.

English edition
Foreword by Audre Lorde
Translated by Anne V. Adams
Publisher University of Massachusetts Press, Amherst, MA, 1991
ISBN 0870237594, 9780870237591
xxv+239 pages

Reviews: Amina Mama (Feminist Review, 1993), Leslie Morris (German Quarterly, 1994), George Junne (Explorations in Sights and Sounds, 1993), Laura Freisberg (BR, 2020, DE).

Publisher (new ed., 2020, DE)
Publisher (EN)


Antipode (ed.): Keywords in Radical Geography: Antipode at 50 (2019)

28 February 2021, dusan

“To celebrate Antipode’s 50th anniversary, we’ve brought together 50 short keyword essays by a range of scholars at varying career stages who all, in some way, have some kind of affinity with Antipode’s radical geographical project.

The entries in this volume are diverse, eclectic, and to an extent random, however they all speak to our discipline’s past, present and future in exciting and suggestive ways. Contributors have taken unusual or novel terms, concepts or sets of ideas important to their research, and their essays discuss them in relation to radical and critical geography’s histories, current condition and possible future directions. This fractal, playful and provocative intervention in the field stands as a fitting testimony to the role that Antipode has played in the generation of radical geographical engagement with the world.”

Edited by the Antipode Editorial Collective: Tariq Jazeel, Andy Kent, Katherine McKittrick, Nik Theodore, Sharad Chari, Paul Chatterton, Vinay Gidwani, Nik Heynen, Wendy Larner, Jamie Peck, Jenny Pickerill, Marion Werner and Melissa W. Wright.

Publisher Wiley Blackwell, Hoboken, NJ, 2019
Open access
ISBN 9781119558156, 1119558158
279 pages
