Fragments for Studies on Art Organisations, vol. 1 (2021)

12 August 2021, dusan

“The publication Fragments for Studies on Art Organisation is part of the project Art Organisation which has been conceived as an introduction to the research of the ways of (self) organisation, group action and working conditions (collective production and collective generation) of ‘non-institutional’ artistic practices in the Yugoslav and post-Yugoslav space. Our interest in art organisation goes beyond artistic frameworks. What we are really interested in is how to act collectively in society today.

During 2017, our work on the project began with interviewing participants and protagonists of the Contemporary Art Scene in Yugoslavia. This work continued in 2018 and 2019, when the respondents were theoreticians and art historians, as well as artists who realized their practice through group art work.

With texts by Ana Vilenica, Lina Džuverović, Milica Pekić, Stevan Vuković, Andrej Mirčev, Leila Topić, and Ana Peraica.

The book is accompanied by an online archive of interviews and seminars with artists, historians and theoreticians involved in ex-Yugoslav art scenes.

Editorial team: Ana Vilenica, Darija Medić, Stevan Vuković &
Publisher, Novi Sad, 2021
Open access
ISBN 9788688567220
151 pages


Online companion

Dejan Sretenović: Red Horizon: The Avant-Garde and Revolution in Yugoslavia, 1919–1932 (2021)

12 August 2021, dusan

Red Horizon is the first study to focus on the Yugoslav avant-gardes from the perspective of the history of left-wing political ideas. Bearing in mind that the Yugoslav avant-gardes were politically oriented towards the radical left, and considered the aesthetic revolution an integral part of the social revolution, the book explores the modes of manifestation of the ideas of Marxism and anarchism in the programmes and activities of the avant-gardes, ranging from Expressionism, through Zenitism, Dada, Hipnism, Constructivism to Surrealism. The policies of the Yugoslav avant-gardes are considered in the context of European avant-garde currents and ideational struggles on the left cultural front, as well as in the light of the development of Marxist aesthetics and the attitudes organised Communism assumed towards modern art. The book is structured in the form of a historical-theoretical narrative, starting from the interpretation of the avant-garde and Communism as the two great epic narratives of the 20th century, and telling of the rebellions, dreams, conflicts, victories and defeats of those who wanted to radically change the society and art of their epoch.”

Publisher, Novi Sad, 2021
Red Publications series
Translated by Katarina Radović
ISBN 9788688567244
228 pages


PDF (4 MB)

Jon K Shaw, Theo Reeves-Evision (eds.): Fiction as Method (2017)

19 June 2021, dusan

“See the world through the eyes of a search engine, if only for a millisecond; throw the workings of power into sharper relief by any media necessary; reveal access points to other worlds within our own. In the anthology Fiction as Method, a mixture of new and established names in the fields of contemporary art, media theory, philosophy, and speculative fiction explore the diverse ways fiction manifests, and provide insights into subjects ranging from the hive mind of the art collective 0rphan Drift to the protocols of online self-presentation. With an extended introduction by the editors, the book invites reflection on how fictions proliferate, take on flesh, and are carried by a wide variety of mediums—including, but not limited to, the written word. In each case, fiction is bound up with the production and modulation of desire, the enfolding of matter and meaning, and the blending of practices that cast the existing world in a new light with those that participate in the creation of new openings of the possible.”

Texts by Justin Barton, Tim Etchells, Matthew Fuller, David Garcia, Dora García, M. John Harrison, Simon O’Sullivan, Jon K Shaw and Theo Reeves-Evison, Delphi Carstens & Mer Roberts, Erica Scourti

Publisher Sternberg Press, Berlin, 2017
ISBN 3956793641, 9783956793646
365 pages


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