The Distance Plan (2013–)

20 February 2019, dusan

“The Distance Plan is a project founded by Abby Cunnane and Amy Howden-Chapman that brings together artists, writers and designers to promote discussion of climate change within the arts. The Distance Plan works through exhibitions, public forums and the Distance Plan Press which produces publications, including an annual journal.”

“The issue 4 features artist pages by Louise Menzies and Michala Paludan, an essay by Lina Moe on the closure of New York’s L Line, and, through our ongoing Climate Change & Art: A Lexicon, surveys the language currently surrounding anthropogenic climate change. Through proposing neologisms and promoting less well-known terms, we wish to propel interdisciplinary discussion, and by extension accelerate the pace of action.

Through this lexicon we propose that the science around climate change is developing so rapidly that we need new language to articulate its processes and effects. The lexicon is also based on the recognition that evolving science produces evolving policy, and politics must be commensurate with this. The first set of lexicon terms were collected in the Reading Room journal in 2015.”

Edited by Amy Howden-Chapman and Abby Cunnane
Publisher Distance Plan Press, Auckland, New Zealand
Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 International Licence
ISSN 2463-5553
127 pages (Issues 2 & 4), 135 pages (Issue 3), 69 pages (Issue 5)

Project website

Issue 1, 2013: PDFs
Issue 2: Seven Conversations, 2014: PDF, PDFs
Issue 3: Climate & Precarity, Dec 2015: PDF, PDFs
Issue 4: Climate Change & Art: A Lexicon, Oct 2016: PDF, PDFs
Issue 5: Charismatic Facts: Climate Change, Poetry & Prose, Apr 2019: PDF, PDFs (added on 2019-5-30)

ArtLeaks Gazette (2013–)

19 February 2019, dusan

ArtLeaks is a collective platform initiated by an international group of artists, curators, art historians and intellectuals in response to the abuse of their professional integrity and the open infraction of their labor rights. In the art world, such abuses usually disappear, but some events bring them into sharp focus and therefore deserve public scrutiny. Only by drawing attention to concrete abuses can we underscore the precarious condition of cultural workers and the necessity for sustained protest against the appropriation of politically engaged art, culture and theory by institutions embedded in a tight mesh of capital and power.”

Edited by Corina L. Apostol (1-6), Vladan Jeremić (1-6), David Riff (1), Dmitry Vilensky (1), Vlad Morariu (1), Raluca Voinea (2), Brett Alton Bloom (3), and Rena Rädle (4-6), Jasmina Tumbas (5)
Publisher ArtLeaks
Creative Commons BY-NC-SA License

Project website

Issue 1, May 2013: PDF, PDFs
Issue 2, Jun 2014: PDF, PDFs
Issue 3, Aug 2015: PDF, PDFs
Issue 4, Sep 2017: PDF, PDFs
Issue 5: Patriarchy Over & Out. Discourse Made Manifest, Apr 2019: PDF, Issuu (added on 2024-2-19)
Issue 6: There is No ‘Back to Normal’ – Art Workers in Times of (Post)Pandemic Crisis, Feb 2022: PDF (added on 2024-2-19)

Surrealisme, 1-2 (1977)

11 February 2019, dusan

Two issues of the ephemeral journal Surrealisme were published in January and June of 1977 in Paris.

Contributions by Jacques Abeille, Jean-Louis Bedouin, Gilles Bounoure, Vincent Bounoure, Guy Cabanel, Bernard Cabunet, Pierre Cheymol, Aurélien Dauguet, John Digby, Guy-René Doumayrou, Alias Durang, Vratislav Effenberger, Apisai Enos, Jean-Pierre Guillon, Robert Guyon, Ted Joans, Robert Lagarde, Joyce Mansour, Albert Marenčin, Georges-Henri Morin, Alena Nádvorníková, Stephen Schwartz, Martin Stejskal, Jan Švankmajer, Jean Terrossian, Marianne van Hirtum, Michel Zimbacca, a.o.

Illustrations by Jacques Abeille, Karol Baron, Gabriel Der Kevorkian, Apisai Enos, Robert Guyon, Guy Hallart, Marianne van Hirtum, Robert Lagarde, Albert Marencin, Emila Medkova, Pierre Molinier, Martin Stejskal, Jan Svankmajer, Eva Svankmajerova, Philip West, Marie Wilson, a.o.

Edited by Vincent Bounoure
Publisher Savelli, Paris, 1977
80 pages each
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Commentary: Michael Löwy (2009).

Revues litteraires

Issue 1 (7 MB)
Issue 2 (6 MB, added on 2019-2-14)