Niklas Luhmann: Ecological Communication (1986–) [DE, EN]

10 January 2011, dusan

“This work by Niklas Luhmann further develops the theories of the author by offering a challenging analysis of the relationship between society and the environment.

Luhmann extends the concept of ‘ecology’ to refer to any analysis that looks at connections between social systems and the surrounding environment. He traces the development of the notion of ‘environment’ from the medieval idea—which encompasses both human and natural systems—to our modern definition, which separates social systems from the external environment.

In Luhmann’s thought, human beings form part of the environment, while social systems consist only of communications. Utilizing this distinctive theoretical perspective, Luhmann presents a comprehensive catalog of society’s reactions to environmental problems. He investigates the spheres of the economy, law, science, politics, religion, and education to show how these areas relate to environmental issues.”

Publisher Westdeutsches Verlag, Opladen, 1986
4th edition published by VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften/GWV Fachverlage GmbH, Wiesbaden, 2004
ISBN 3531517759
275 pages

English edition
Translated by John Bednarz, Jr.
Publisher University of Chicago Press, 1989
ISBN 0226496511, 9780226496511
187 pages

Ökologische Kommunikation. Kann die moderne Gesellschaft sich auf ökologische Gefährdungen einstellen? (German, 4th ed., 1986/2004, updated on 2012-7-17)
Ecological Communication (English, 1989, no OCR, updated on 2012-7-17)

One Response to “Niklas Luhmann: Ecological Communication (1986–) [DE, EN]”

  1. Tweets that mention Niklas Luhmann: Ecological Communication (1986/1989/2004) [German/English] at Monoskop/log -- on January 10, 2011 1:48 pm

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Lurdes Fonseca. Lurdes Fonseca said: Monoskop: Niklas Luhmann: Ecological Communication (1986/1989/2004) [German/English] #SocioTweets […]

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