Julietta Singh: No Archive Will Restore You (2018)

9 June 2019, dusan

“At once memoir, theory, poetic prose, and fragment, No Archive Will Restore You is a feverish meditation on the body. Departing from Antonio Gramsci’s summons to compile an inventory of the historical traces left in each of us, Singh engages with both the impossibility and urgent necessity of crafting an archive of the body. Through reveries on the enduring legacies of pain, desire, sexuality, race, and identity, she asks us to sense and feel what we have been trained to disavow, to re-member the body as more than itself.”

Publisher Punctum Books, Nov 2018
3Ecologies Books/Immediations imprint
Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0 License
ISBN 9781947447851, 1947447858
114 pages

Review: Daphne Sidor (Lambda Literary, 2018).
Interview with author (Women & Performance, 2017)
Interview with author (Daniel Berti, RVA Mag, 2019)


PDF (5 MB)
See also music playlist compiled by author

A Wild Ass Beyond: ApocalypseRN (2018)

13 May 2019, dusan

“‘Everyone contains a history of contamination; purity is not an option.’

In the event of disaster, we, the people who have always been surviving, will simply continue to survive. We have learned skills you wouldn’t believe, enduring under police states. We refine trauma into gold and use exile as jet propellant.

Yet we lack a vision of our lives past survival. What will we do when we head “back to the land” that was never ours? We do not see ourselves in the paranoiac manuals of preppers, in minimalist lifestyle retreats, in the nativist isolationism of militiamen.

We do not want to repeat these dreams of being the center, forever tyrants over little kingdoms. In this beyond, we will contaminate one another. We first learn from the past, building lookouts to keep our homes from burning.

We then seek an unruly communion. New languages, icons, guides, rituals, spun and fired beneath a twilight canopy of fungi. We claim a gorgeous, baroque maximalism, a future that sounds, looks, and feels like our innermost thoughts.”

Made by American Artist, Caitlin Cherry, Nora N. Khan and Sondra Perry
Published in New York, October 2018
[24] pages

Exh. reviews: Alex A. Jones (The Brooklyn Rail, 2018), Che Gosseett (The Brooklyn Rail, 2018).


PDF, PDF (15 MB)

Kathryn Yusoff: A Billion Black Anthropocenes or None (2018)

10 February 2019, dusan

“No geology is neutral, writes Kathryn Yusoff. Tracing the color line of the Anthropocene, A Billion Black Anthropocenes or None examines how the grammar of geology is foundational to establishing the extractive economies of subjective life and the earth under colonialism and slavery. Yusoff initiates a transdisciplinary conversation between black feminist theory, geography, and the earth sciences, addressing the politics of the Anthropocene within the context of race, materiality, deep time, and the afterlives of geology.”

Publisher University of Minnesota Press, 2018
Forerunners series
ISBN 9781517907532, 1517907535
xiv+115 pages

Commentary: McKenzie Wark (Verso Blog, 2019).
