Long April, 1-3 (2011-2012) [Romanian/English]

13 September 2011, dusan

“The Long April. Texte despre artă is a magazine dedicated to contemporary art, with an emphasis on the art scene from Romania. The magazine is realized through the collective effort of nine authors, each one of them responsible for her own permanent rubric. The magazine offers an image upon contemporary visual arts (in their intersections with other fields, cultural and not only), through the perspective of particular and localized interests of the authors. Reviews of exhibitions, performances or events, interviews with artists or theorists, fragments of academic research, studies or investigations, all these are possible forms to be used, the subjectivity of selection being compensated by the seriousness of approach and the long-term preoccupation with a certain kind of artistic research or critical writing.”

Contributors to Issue 1: Anca Mihuleţ, Andreiana Mihail, Corina L. Apostol, Daria Ghiu, Iulia Popovici, Laura Panait, Livia Pancu, Oana Tănase, and Raluca Voinea.

Publisher The KNOT, Bucharest

Magazine website

Issue 1 (Jul 2011): PDF, HTML, PDFs (updated on 2017-12-2)
Issue 2 (Nov 2011): HTML, PDFs (added on 2017-12-2)
Issue 3 (Aug 2012): HTML, PDFs (added on 2017-12-2)

IDEA Arts + Society (2003–) [Romanian/English]

13 September 2011, dusan

Idea 36-37, 2010

Idea 35, 2010

“IDEA art+society is a multiannual publication produced by IDEA, Cluj. It is published under its current form since 2003.

Allegiance to the exigency of genuine theory – a theory which is, first of all, its own practice – this is the program of IDEA arts+society magazine. This means: the practice of the concerned eye, which can be rigorous solely through the unconditional solidarity with the concrete. It is a practice of thinking which is alien to any aestheticism, hostile to any institutionalized transcendence, immune to the biased fiction of ideological neutrality, and remote from the pernicious language of our contemporary culture of ‘experts.’ In brief, it is the practice of critical and defiant reflection, dramatically lacking in the intellectual-civic debates of present-day Romania.

The graphical and logical operator ‘+’ functions as the material figura of all these dimensions, to which we can add artistic education and the public influence of art. The various ways of deciphering this sign suggest the manifold articulations between the artistic and the social realm. That is, the political.”

IDEA artă + societate / IDEA arts + society
Editors: Bogdan Ghiu, Ciprian Mureșan, Timotei Nădășan (editor-in-chief), Alexandru Polgár, Adrian T. Sîrbu, Ovidiu Țichindeleanu, Raluca Voinea
ISSN 1583–8293

Magazine website


e-cart, contemporary art magazine, Nr. 1-8 (2003-2007) [English/Romanian]

13 September 2011, dusan

e-cart.ro is a contemporary art magazine in an exclusively electronic format. It is an independent and not-for-profit initiative, founded in 2003 by Raluca Voinea, Simona Nastac, Eduard Constantin and Madalin Geana.

The magazine features exhibition reviews, interviews, artist portfolios, projects presentations, and texts by art critics, curators and artists. It aims at creating a space of encounter between contemporary art in Romania and abroad.

Issue 8, 2007
View online

Issue 7, March 2006
Art in Eastern Europe
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Issue 6, August 2005
The Venice Biennale; Archives (part I); Exhibitions; Projects
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Issue 5, September 2004
Artnetlab in Maribor, at the International Festival of Computer Arts; Identity and language; Diploma projects; etc.
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Issue 4, May 2004
Art/artists and spaces; Berlin Biennial 3; Vienna days in Bucharest; etc.
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Issue 3, February 2004
Education in/with Art
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Issue 2, November 2003
Istanbul Biennial 2003; Workshop: Real Presence 3 – Belgrad – 2003; etc.
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Issue 1, September 2003
Periferic 6 in Iasi: “Prophetic Corners”; H.arta group; Dan Perjovschi; Diploma projects
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Editors: Raluca Voinea and Simona Nastac
Publisher: e-cart.ro, Bucharest