Praktyka Teoretyczna, No. 5: Logika Deleuze’a – próba demontażu (2012) [Polish]

23 July 2012, dusan

Na temat statusu Logiki sensu Gillesa Deleuze’a jej osobliwej architektoniki, „neostoickiej” etyki wydarzenia, bezbożnej noologii, relacjach z psychoanalizą – piszą w numerze specjalnym „Praktyki Teoretycznej” Michał Herer, Jakub Tercz, Jacek Dobrowolski, Andrzej Leder, Joanna Bednarek i Michał Gusin. W numerze również obszerny dział Varia, a w nim: kluczowy tekst marksizmu aleatorycznego – O genezie Louisa Althussera wraz z komentarzem G. M. Goshgariana, rozważania Loïca Wacquanta o historycznej antropologii faktycznie istniejącego neoliberalizmu opatrzone repliką Jana Sowy, oraz artykuły Davida Harveya, Henriego Lefebvre’a.

Editors of the issue: Mateusz Falkowski, Anna Wojczyńska
Publisher: Międzywydziałowa „Pracownia Pytań Granicznych” UAM, Poznań, July 2012
ISSN: 2081-8130
310 pages

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Alain Badiou: The Rational Kernel of the Hegelian Dialectic (1977–)

15 December 2011, dusan

The Rational Kernel of the Hegelian Dialectic is the last in a trilogy of political-philosophical essays, preceded by Theory of Contradiction and On Ideology, written during the dark days at the end of the decade after May ‘68. With the late 1970’s “triumphant restoration” in Europe, China and the United States, Badiou and his collaborators return to Hegel with a Chinese twist. By translating, annotating and providing commentary to a contemporaneous text by Chinese Hegelian Zhang Shi Ying, Badiou and his collaborators attempt to diagnose the status of the dialectic in their common political and philosophical horizon. Readers of Badiou’s more recent work will find a crucial developmental step in his work in ontology and find echoes of his current project of a ‘communist hypothesis’. This translation is accompanied by a recent interview that questions Badiou on the discrepancies between this text and his current thought, on the nature of dialectics, negativity, modality and his understanding of the historical, political and geographical distance that his text introduces into the present.”

Originally published as Le Noyau rationnel de la dialectique hégélienne, François Maspero, 1977

Alain Badiou, Joel Bellassen, and Louis Mossot’s translations, introductions and commentary on a text by Zhang Shiying
Edited and translated by Tzuchien Tho
Publisher, Victoria, Australia, December 2011
Transmission series
Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 2.5 License
ISBN 978-0-9808197-6-2
138 pages



Christian Fuchs: Foundations of Critical Media and Information Studies (2011)

22 October 2011, dusan

Foundations of Critical Media and Information Studies lays down foundations for the analysis of media, information, and information technology in 21st century information society, as well as introducing the theoretical and empirical tools necessary for the critical study of media and information. Christian Fuchs shows the role classical critical theory can play for analyzing the information society and the information economy, as well as analyzing the role of the media and the information economy in economic development, the new imperialism, and the new economic crisis. The book critically discusses transformations of the Internet (‘web 2.0’), introduces the notion of alternative media as critical media, and shows the critical role media and information technology can play in contemporary society.

This book provides an excellent introduction to the study of media, information technology, and information society, making it a valuable reference tool for both undergraduate and postgraduate students of subjects such as Media Studies, Sociology of Media, Social Theory, and New Media.

Publisher Routledge, 2011
Routledge Advances in Sociology series
ISBN 1136825312, 9781136825316
384 pages

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