3/4 magazine, 27-28: Media Art History: Remake (2012) [English/Slovak]

18 May 2012, dusan

Special bilingual issue of 3/4 magazine dedicated to media art history. Serves as a catalogue of a travelling exhibition Remake. It also brings, for the first time, selection of interviews done by Dušan Barok with personalities and media art and culture history-makers Diana McCarty, Michal Murin, Călin Man, Rasa Smite and Raitis Smits. Interviews are complemented by a passage from monograph about Steina and Woody Vasulka, entitled Dialogue with Daemons of Tools by art historian Lenka Dolanová, views on art scenes in Ukraine and Iceland and appendix showing the process of development of works for Remake exhibition.

Editor: Barbora Šedivá
Editor-in-chief: Slávo Krekovič
Contributing editors: Dušan Barok, Katarína Gatialová, Oliver Rehák, Mária Rišková, Catherine Lenoble
Publisher Atrakt Art, Bratislava, Slovakia
ISSN 1335-5309
134 pages

Remake project



Node.London Reader II (2009)

8 May 2012, dusan

The NODE.London Reader II projects a critical context around the Season of Media Arts in London, March 2008. NODE.London (Networked, Open, Distributed, Events. London) is a voluntary network of people, organisations and projects sharing and developing the infrastructure for media arts and related activities in London and beyond. This reader revisits debates on media arts and activism, collaborative practices and organisation and the political economy of media economics. It includes contributions from Ruth Catlow, Marc Garrett, Anna Colin, Julie Freeman, Matthew Fuller, Usman Haque, Jamie King, Armin Medosch, Jonas Andersson, Toni Prug, Adnan Hadzi, Cinzia Cremona and Petra Bauer. Edited by Mia Jankowicz, Anna Colin, Adnan Hadzi and Jonas Andersson.

Edited by Anna Colin, Mia Jankowicz, Adnan Hadzi and Jonas Andersson
Publisher NODE.London, with Openmute Press, London, 2009
ISBN 9781906496333
Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 England & Wales Licence
168 pages

event (archive.org)


PDF (updated on 2012-6-13)

Machiko Kusahara: Toward Digital Biodiversity: A View on Correlation of Digital Technology and Culture through Analysis of Media Art and Entertainment (2001)

6 May 2012, dusan

This dissertation deals with the relationship between contemporary media art and digital technology. The main focus is on the analysis of the nature of interaction between art and technology. Through a series of case studies, various interactions are analyzed. This will be dealt with from a number of different perspectives, yet always within the context of media culture and society. The way media art and technology simultaneously both influence and are influenced by society and culture will be considered from the perspectives of art history, science, perception and media research. The ultimate goal of this research is to develop conceptual methods for a better understanding of the modalities of human-computer interaction.

Dissertation thesis
The University of Tokyo, January 2001
180 pages

more info

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