Fibreculture Journal 1-15 (2003-2009)

7 April 2010, dusan

Fibreculture Journal is a peer reviewed international journal that explores the issues and ideas of concern and interest to both the Fibreculture network and wider social formations. The journal encourages critical and speculative interventions in the debate and discussions concerning information and communication technologies and their policy frameworks, network cultures and their informational logic, new media forms and their deployment, and the possibilities of socio-technical invention and sustainability. Other broad topics of interest include the cultural contexts, philosophy and politics of information and creative industries; national and international strategies for innovation, research and development; education; media and culture, and new media arts.

What Now? : The Imprecise and Disagreeable Aesthetics of Remix
Fibreculture 15, 2009
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Web 2.0: Before, During and After the Event
Fibreculture 14, 2009
Edited by Darren Tofts and Christian McCrea
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After Convergence: What Connects?
Fibreculture 13, 2008
Edited by Caroline Bassett, Maren Hartmann, Kate O’Riordan
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Models, Metamodels and Contemporary Media
Fibreculture 12, 2008
Edited by Gary Genosko and Andrew Murphie
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The Futures of Digital Media Arts and Culture
Fibreculture 11, 2008
Edited by Andrew Hutchison and Ingrid Richardson
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New Media, Networks and New Pedagogies
Fibreculture 10, 2007
Edited by Adrian Miles
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General Issue
Fibreculture 9, 2006
Edited by Andrew Murphie
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Gaming Networks
Fibreculture 8, 2006
Edited by Chris Chesher, Alice Crawford and Julian Kücklich
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Distributed Aesthetics
Fibreculture 7, 2005
Edited by Lisa Gye, Anna Munster and Ingrid Richardson
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Mobility, New Social Intensities, and the Coordinates of Digital Networks
Fibreculture 6, 2005
Edited by Andrew Murphie, Larissa Hjorth, Gillian Fuller and Sandra Buckley
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Multitudes, Creative Organisation and the Precarious Condition of New Media Labour
Fibreculture 5, 2005
Edited by Brett Neilson and Ned Rossiter
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Contagion and the Diseases of Information
Fibreculture 4, 2005
Edited by Andrew Goffey
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General Issue
Fibreculture 3, 2004
Edited by Andrew Murphie
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New Media, New Worlds?
Fibreculture 2, 2003
Edited by Andrew Murphie
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The Politics of Networks
Fibreculture 1, 2003
Edited by Andrew Murphie
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Fibreculture Journal: Internet theory + criticism + research
Publisher: Fibreculture Publications/Open Humanities Press, Australia
ISSN: 1449 – 1443

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Konrad Becker, Martin Wassermair (eds.): Kampfzonen in Kunst und Medien. Texte zur Zukunft der Kulturpolitik (2008) [German]

2 March 2010, dusan

“Kampfzonen in Kunst und Medien” ist nicht nur der erste Versuch, die national-konservativen Regierungsjahre von ÖVP und FPÖ aus einer Perspektive zu beleuchten, die als besonderer Indikator für die allgemeine Kräfteverschiebung zu Gunsten einer neoliberalen Hegemonie gewertet werden muss. Er beschreibt auch die Handlungsfelder einer künstlerischen und medialen Praxis sowie die Möglichkeiten und Grenzen von Kulturpolitik.

Der Sammelband unternimmt einen wichtigen Versuch zur Sichtbarmachung einer kritischen Intelligenz, deren Bedeutung für die demokratische Bestandssicherung einer öffentlichen Sphäre immer weniger Wertschätzung erfährt und daher letztlich unterzugehen droht. Angesichts fundamentaler Veränderungen von Gesellschaften auf ihrem Weg zu Informationsökonomien sind Texte zur Analyse und Artikulation einer Kulturpolitik der Zukunft jedenfalls unerlässlich.

Mit Beiträgen von Konrad Becker, Isolde Charim, Sonja Eismann, Brian Holmes, Belinda Kazeem, Daniela Koweindl, Gunnar Landsgesell, Oliver Marchart, Gerhard Marschall, Thomas Mießgang, Monika Mokre, Helmut Ploebst, Gerald Raunig, Joachim Riedl, Gerhard Ruiss, Burghart Schmidt, Georg Schöllhammer, Elisabeth Schweeger, Felix Stalder, Marlene Streeruwitz, Dagmar Travner, Thomas Trenkler, Andreas Wahl, Martin Wassermair und Irene Zavarsky.

Publisher Löcker, 2008
ISBN 3854094833, 9783854094838
Length 237 pages

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Readings For Artworkers, No. 1: Culture, Not Profit (2009)

20 February 2010, dusan

This is the first Volume of the Journal of Free / Slow University of Warsaw and a recap on first year of its activity. Internal diversity of the Volume corresponds to the mode of operation of this para-institution, which experiments with various avenues of knowledge production and exchange. The present and the first Volume is a recap on the 212 working days of the Free/Slow University of Warsaw during the first year of its activity. Internal diversity of the Volume corresponds to the mode of operation of our para-institution, which experiments with various avenues of knowledge production and exchange.

The subject of the first edition of the Free/Slow University of Warsaw was “culture not for profit.” The initiative referred to the tradition of free education, with a focus on establishing an environment that would enable critical reflection not only on culture, but also on its social, political and economic background. The participants made an attempt at a theoretical and practical research of the conditions of knowledge and culture production in the late capitalism, an analysis of the life conditions of activists, artists and cultural operators as well as at exerting an impact on the cultural policy and participating in debates on the current and the future shape of our societies.

Publication is available in Polish in printed form and online in English.

READINGS FOR ARTWORKERS VOL.1: CULTURE, NOT PROFIT. theorists, activists and artists about producing and functioning of culture
Edited by: Katarzyna Chmielewska, Kuba Szreder, Tomasz Żukowski
Authors: Jakob Jakobsen, Gerald Raunig, Marion von Osten, Peter Spillmann, Teresa Święćkowska, Martin Kaltwasser, Rebecca Gordon Nesbitt, Ewa Majewska, NetzNetz, Adrienne Goehler, Katarzyna Chmielewska, Michał Kozłowski, Tomasz Żukowski, Michał Herer
Publisher: Fundacja Bęc Zmiana, 2009
ISBN 978-83-929527-6-3
Published under Creative Commons, Attribution, Non Commercial, Share Alike, 3.0

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