Danske kunstnerbøger / Danish Artists’ Books (2013) [Danish/English]

1 January 2017, dusan

This publication “offers the first comprehensive presentation of Danish artists’ books – pioneers, main works, periods, links to international movements, contemporary artists’ books – via a wide range of contributions from Danish scholars, art critics, and artists as well as from some of the leading international scholars within the field including Anne Moeglin-Delcroix and Johanna Drucker. This dual-language edition presents the artists who have had the greatest impact on the artist’s book tradition in Denmark, including Asger Jorn, Per Kirkeby, Tal R, Lene Adler Petersen, Albert Mertz, Jytte Rex, Henrik Have, Per Kirkeby, Claus Carstensen, Stig Brøgger, Jesper Fabricius, Christian Vind and Goodiepal.”

Edited by Thomas Hvid Kromann, Louise Hold Sidenius, Maria Kjær Themsen and Marianne Vierø
Publisher Møller, Copenhagen, and Walther König, Cologne, 2013
ISBN 9783863354749, 3863354745
300 pages

Review: Gustavo Grandal Montero (Art Libraries J, 2015).

Publisher (1)
Publisher (2)

PDF (9 MB, updated on 2021-1-14)

NUPoD: Print on Demand Poetry: Making Books After the Internet (2015)

30 October 2015, dusan

“This course operates at the intersection of creative writing, media theory, and the history of the book. Since the written word overtook the Homeric epic poem as a kind of communal Wikipedia, poetry has been less about communicating information and more about lyric expression. Recently, digital technologies have been seen to present this same challenge to the book. Like poetry, we might say that the book isn’t dead, it has simply lost its claim as the primary source of information. Over the last two decades, some of the most interesting works of art and poetry have turned to the book in both form and content, as both inspiration and fallen idol. It has never been easier for writers to publish, not just on Twitter and Facebook, but across a range of Print on Demand (POD) platforms for the printed book. This course examines recent works of poetry alongside new developments in print technologies. From Seth Siegelaub’s The Xerox Book (1968) to new works of POD poetry published throughout the quarter (TBA, 2015), we will study the emergence of innovative forms of writing the book under the influence of digital networks.”

Daniel Scott Snelson, Northwestern University, Fall Quarter, 2015
Course information and publication research conducted by the NUPoD editorial collective


transversal, 06/14: Insurrection of the Published (2014) [DE, EN, ES]

29 April 2015, dusan

“The publishing industry is in a fundamental crisis. In its final hours it is beginning to lash out, but only hits itself. As much as academic apparatuses and cultural industries wrestle with conformity, the traditional forms of knowledge production remain just as incompatible with the new media conditions as with future emancipatory concatenations of writing, translating and publicly negotiating publications. “The Insurrection of the Published” emerges in these concatenations beyond the domestication of styles, forms and formats, beyond valorization and self-valorization, beyond the hegemonic mechanisms of exclusion like peer reviews, impact factors, ranking, and rigid copyright regimes.”

With contributions by EIPCP, Isabell Lorey, Otto Penz, Gerald Raunig, Birgit Sauer, Ruth Sonderegger, Stevphen Shukaitis, Traficantes de Sueños, Felix Stalder, and an Anonymous Iranian Collective.

Aufstand der Verlegten / Insurrection of the Published / Insurrección de los editados
Publisher EIPCP, Vienna, 2014
ISSN 1811-1696