Mikkel Bolt: The Suicide of the Avant-Garde (2009) [Danish]

31 August 2013, dusan

“A book – essay, cultural intervention, and potential debate-cooker – whose aim is to outline the historical avant-garde’s road to extinction and to ponder on the loss of grander political ambitions in innovative art today.” (Jesper Olsson)

En kritisk analyse – med udgangspunkt i surrealismen, George Bataille (Acéphale), Situationistisk Internationale og mellemkrigstidens europæiske kommunistpartier – af avantgardens selvforståelse. Mikkel Bolt undersøger også, hvordan idéen om revolution tager sig ud aktuelt.

Avantgardens selvmord
Publisher 28/6, Copenhagen, 2009
ISBN 9788792529039
109 pages
via forlaget286

Reviews: Jesper Olsson (Nordic Journal of Aesthetics, 2010-2011, EN), Bendik Wold (K&K, 2010, DK).



Francesco Careri: Walkscapes: El andar como práctica estética / Walking as an Aesthetic Practice (2002) [Spanish/English]

27 April 2013, dusan

Walkscapes deals with strolling as an architecture of landscape. Walking as an autonomous form of art, a primary act in the symbolic transformation of the territory, an aesthetic instrument of knowledge and a physical transformation of the “negotiated” space, which is converted into an urban intervention. From primitive nomadism to Dada and Surrealism, from the Lettrist to the Situationist International, and from Minimalism to Land Art, this book narrates the perception of landscape through a history of the traversed city.

With an Introduction by Gilles Tiberghien
English translation: Steve Piccolo, Paul Hammond
Publisher Editorial Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, 2002
Land&Scape series
ISBN 8425218411
205 pages

PDF (removed on 2017-4-1 upon request of the publisher)

Asger Jorn, Guy Debord: Fin de Copenhague (1957)

18 April 2013, dusan

Fin de Copenhague [Goodbye to Copenhagen] is the first collaboration between Asger Jorn and Guy Debord. The book is credited to Jorn, with Debord listed as “Technical Adviser in Détournement”.

The pages include text in English, French, German, and Danish; illustrations of whisky bottles beer bottles and cigarettes; aeroplanes and ocean going liners; cartoons of well dressed men and pretty girls and various maps of Copenhagen. Each page is covered with a second layer of coloured ink drops and drips, most of which go right to left, emphasising the direction of the book from beginning to end.

The book was published by Jorn’s Edition Bauhaus Imaginiste in May 1957, a few months before this group amalgamated with the Lettrist International to create the Situationists.”

Publisher Edition Bauhaus Imaginiste, May 1957
Printer Permild and Rosengreen, Copenhagen
40 pages
via Maldoror Press

Commentary: Christian Nolle (Virose, 2005), Bart Lans (TU Delft, 2008).


PDF (5 MB)

See also Mémoires, 1958.