Emese Kürti: Screaming Hole: Poetry, Sound and Action as Intermedia Practice in the Work of Katalin Ladik (2017)

28 October 2019, dusan

“This book focuses on the experimental practice of Katalin Ladik, a poet, performer and actress born in the former Yugoslavia. Her career as a poet writing in Hungarian language began in the intellectual circles of the neo-avant-garde journal Új Symposion (New Symposium) in Novi Sad, but the subversiveness of her feminine practice gave her a distinctive position in the whole Yugoslav neo-avant-garde scene as early as the late 1960s. At the same time, linearity was also being replaced in Ladik’s poetic works by an extended notion of poetry, as she realised her actionism in a complex and mutual intermedial relationship between poetry, sound and visuality. Her performances attracted lively attention not only on account of an interpretation of poetry and sound that was radically new both in Yugoslavia and abroad at the time; her use of the eroticized body also seemed to lack any predecessors in the local avant-garde of the day. Katalin Ladik, who synthesized the traditions of Balkan folk music and Hungarian folklore, could work supraethnically, as it were, in this multiethnic Yugoslav context, using the references of multiple cultures, which suited with persistently international spirit of the avant-garde.”

Translated by Katalin Orbán
Publisher acb ResearchLab, Budapest, 2017
ISBN 9789631283617, 9631283615
247 pages
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Benjamin Patterson: Born in the State of FLUX/us (2012)

28 July 2017, dusan

Benjamin Patterson: Born in the State of FLUX/us is a retrospective of the artist’s career, which now spans nearly fifty years. The exhibition includes both early and recent work by the artist that range from annotated scores and books to painting and sculpture. Video documentation from performances and audio files of Patterson’s music will also be featured. As a founding member of Fluxus, a loose and international collective of artists who infused avant-garde practices of the day with humor and anarchic energy, Patterson helped revolutionize the artistic landscape at the advent of the 1960s and usher in an era of new and experimental music.”

With essays by Bertrand Clavez, Charles Gaines, Jon Hendricks, George E. Lewis, Fred Moten, Benjamin Patterson, and Marcia Reed; and chronology by Meredith Goldsmith.

Edited by Valerie Cassel Oliver
Publisher Contemporary Arts Museum, Houston, 2012.
ISBN 9781933619293, 1933619295
268 pages
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Oliver Jahraus: Die Aktion des Wiener Aktionismus. Subversion der Kultur und Dispositionierung des Bewußtseins (2001) [German]

8 January 2016, dusan

“Die konsequente Aufhebung jeglicher Grenzen zwischen Kunst und Leben zu diesem Zweck wird die Aktion von den Wiener Aktionisten als avantgardistisches Instrument realisiert. Gewalt und Zerstörung mit und am Körper als Material der Aktion sind die Mittel, mit denen sie inszeniert und soweit radikalisiert wird, daß das Publikum sie nicht mehr als ein ästhetisches Geschehen im Rahmen der Kunst verarbeiten kann. Das Publikum wird überfordert und somit dispositioniert. Damit soll das Bewußtsein des einzelnen aus seinen konstitutiven Ordnungen, wie sie von der Gesellschaft, ihren Zeichensystemen, ihrer staatlichen Macht und ihrer Kultur vorgegeben sind, herausgelöst und diese Ordnungen selbst aufgelöst werden, auch wenn die Aktionen häufig eine Stabilisierung dieser Ordnungen nach sich gezogen haben.”

Publisher Wilhelm Fink, Munich, 2001
Das Problempotential der Nachkriegsavantgarden series, 2
ISBN 3770534514, 9783770534517
505 pages
