Adolf Meyer (ed.): Ein Versuchshaus des Bauhauses in Weimar (1925) [German]

7 July 2019, dusan

The third volume from the series of 14 volumes published by Bauhaus.

“Das Versuchs-Wohnhaus wurde zur ersten öffentlichen Bauhausausstellung (Sommer 1923) in Weimar erbaut. Es wurde von Georg Muche (Entwurf) und der Architekturabteilung des Bauhauses geplant. Bauleitung hatten Adolf Meyer und Walter March. Das Buch wurde im Sommer 1924 zusammengestellt. Nach einem grundsätzlichen Beitrag von Walter Gropius über »Wohnhaus-Industrie« stellt Georg Muche den Entwurf des Versuchshauses vor und Adolf Meyer beschreibt die technische Ausführung mit Angabe der beteiligten Firmen.”

Publisher Albert Langen, Munich, 1925
Bauhausbücher series, 3
78 pages
via Thebaus & Heidelberg University Library

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Tempo, Tempo! The Bauhaus Photomontages of Marianne Brandt (2005) [English/German]

28 January 2019, dusan

Marianne Brandt (1893–1983) is celebrated for her Bauhaus metal designs, beautiful and mass-reproducible objects created to revolutionize modern interior spaces. Much less well known are her photomontages, which constitute a critical complement to her metal works. In these pieces from the mid-1920s and early 1930s, Brandt focused an analytical gaze on contemporary society and politics. Drawing on the vast array of visual material made available by the Weimar Republic’s burgeoning illustrated press, Brandt’s photomontages relied upon the technologies of modern visual culture to challenge pictorial conventions, to denounce the dangerous side of modern technology that had become so apparent in the First World War, and to image new roles for women in interwar society. Tempo, Tempo! The Bauhaus Photomontages of Marianne Brandt is the first publication to present, document and analyze the full range of Brandt’s work in photomontage.”

Edited by Elizabeth Otto
Publisher Jovis Verlag, Berlin, and Bauhaus-Archiv Museum of Design, Berlin, 2005
ISBN 3936314551, 9783936314557
175 pages

Reviews: Marion Deshmukh (H-Net, 2006), Melissa A. Johnson (Woman’s Art Journal, 2008).
Exh. reviews: Grace Glueck (New York Times, 2006), Ben Davis (Artnet, 2006).

Exhibition (Harvard Art Museums, Cambridge, MA)
Exhibition (International Center of Photography, New York)

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Mary Ann Caws (ed.): Manifesto: A Century of Isms (2001)

16 November 2017, dusan

“An anthology featuring over 200 artistic and cultural manifestos from a wide range of countries. It includes texts ranging from Kurt Schwitters’ ‘Cow Manifesto’ to those written in the name of well-known movements – imagism, cubism, surrealism, symbolism, and projectivism – and less well-known ones – lettrism, acmeism, concretism, and rayonism.”

Publisher University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln, 2001
ISBN 0803264070, 9780803264076
xxxiv+713 pages

Reviews: Greil Marcus (Artforum, 2001), Publishers Weekly (2001), Gail McDonald (symploke, 2003), Cynthia Ellen Patton (College Literature, 2003).


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