John Roberts: Revolutionary Time and the Avant-Garde (2015)

23 June 2018, dusan

“Why the avant-garde of art needs to be rehabilitated today

Since the decidedly bleak beginning of the twenty-first century, art practice has become increasingly politicized. Yet few have put forward a sustained defence of this development. Revolutionary Time and the Avant-Garde is the first book to look at the legacy of the avant-garde in relation to the deepening crisis of contemporary capitalism.

An invigorating revitalization of the Frankfurt School legacy, Roberts’s book defines and validates the avant-garde idea with an erudite acuity, providing a refined conceptual set of tools to engage critically with the most advanced art theorists of our day, such as Hal Foster, Andrew Benjamin, Alain Badiou, Jacques Rancière, Paolo Virno, Claire Bishop, Michael Hardt, and Toni Negri.”

Publisher Verso, London, 2015
ISBN 9781781689134, 178168913X
xii+322 pages

Reviews: Noni Brynjolson (Field, 2015), Danica Radoshevich (Red Wedge, 2015), Kim Charnley (Platypus Review, 2016), Geoffrey Wildanger (LA Review of Books, 2016).



Andreas Rumpfhuber: Architektur immaterieller Arbeit (2013) [German]

28 August 2015, dusan

“The book takes up the (post-)operaist concept of immaterial labour (cf. Maurizio Lazzarato: 1998, Toni Negri, Michael Hardt: 2000) and relates it to spatial processes and architectural projects from the 1960s. The book’s title is the hypotheses of its investigation. It allows to be exemplified with the following questions: Do we find, parallel to a dominant cultural practice of immaterial labour new forms and orders of architecture? Which forms does it take on? Or does workplace architecture disappear at all parallel to the blurring of the formerly clearly marked spaces of the factory?”

Publisher Turia + Kant, Vienna, 2013
Kollektive Gestalten series, 1
Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 3.0 License
ISBN 9783851327052
239 pages



Marysia Lewandowska, Laurel Ptak (eds.): Undoing Property? (2013)

25 September 2013, dusan

Undoing Property? examines complex relationships inside art, culture, political economy, immaterial production, and the public realm today. In its pages artists and theorists address aspects of computing, curating, economy, ecology, gentrification, music, publishing, piracy, and much more.

Property shapes all social relations. Its invisible lines force separations and create power relations felt through the unequal distribution of what is otherwise collectively produced value. Over the last few years the precise question of what should be privately owned and public­ly shared in society has animated intense political struggles and social movements around the world. In this shadow the publication’s critical texts, interviews and artistic interventions offer models of practice and interrogate diverse sites, from the body, to the courtroom, to the server, to the museum. The book asks why propertization itself has changed so fundamentally over the last few decades and what might be done to challenge it. The “undoing” of Undoing Property? begins with the recognition that something else is possible.”

With contributions by Agency, David Berry, Nils Bohlin, Sean Dockray, Rasmus Fleischer, Antonia Hirsch, David Horvitz, Mattin, Open Music Archive, Matteo Pasquinelli, Claire Pentecost, Florian Schneider, Matthew Stadler, Marilyn Strathern, Kuba Szreder, Marina Vishmidt; preface by Binna Choi, Maria Lind, Emily Pethick

Publisher Sternberg Press, Berlin, and Tensta konsthall, Stockholm, 2013
ISBN 9783943365689
256 pages
via Matteo Pasquinelli

Publisher (Sternberg)
Publisher (Tensta konsthall)

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