Thomas Frank: The Conquest of Cool: Business Culture, Counterculture, and the Rise of Hip Consumerism (1998)

15 May 2012, dusan

While the youth counterculture remains the most evocative and best-remembered symbol of the cultural ferment of the 1960s, the revolution that shook American business during those boom years has gone largely unremarked. In this fascinating and revealing study, Thomas Frank shows how the youthful revolutionaries were joined—and even anticipated — by such unlikely allies as the advertising industry and the men’s clothing business.

Publisher University of Chicago Press, 1998
ISBN 0226260127, 9780226260129
322 pages

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PDF (updated on 2012-6-13)

Tiqqun: Premiers matériaux pour une Théorie de la Jeune-Fille (1999/2001) [French]

12 September 2010, dusan

Ceux qui ont réussi à s’aveugler sur le fait pourtant massif de la Jeune-Fille n’en sont pas à une cécité près : ouvrez n’importe quel magazine féminin, vous le verrez bien, la Jeune-Fille n’est pas toujours jeune, n’est pas toujours fille. Elle n’est que la figure de l’intégration totale à une totalité en désintégration. Elle « n’est bonne qu’à consommer ; du loisir ou du travail, qu’importe ».On ne la côtoie pas que sur papier glacé ; elle est le vecteur le plus abouti de la nouvelle organisation sociale et la forme la plus sophistiquée de la mutation anthropotechnique, car elle est la nouvelle physionomie du Capital. Le formatage jeune-filliste se généralise. Ainsi, quand d’aucuns protestent contre l’évidence que le monde n’est pas une marchandise, et d’ailleurs, eux non plus, ils feignent une virginité qui ne justifie que leur impuissance. Tiqqun ne veut ni de cette virginité ni de cette impuissance. Il ouvre dans ces Premiers matériaux la voie à une autre éducation sentimentale.

Originally published in Tiqqun 1, 1999
Revised edition
Publisher Éditions Mille et une nuits, September 2001
La Petite Collection series
ISBN 9782842055905
144 pages


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English edition (2010)
German edition (2009)

Guy Debord: Society of the Spectacle (1967–) [FR, EN, NL, GR, DE, IT, ES, TR, BR-PT, RO, SR, HU, LT, PL, CZ]

23 June 2009, dusan

“The Das Kapital of the 20th century. An essential text, and the main theoretical work of the situationists. Few works of political and cultural theory have been as enduringly provocative. From its publication amid the social upheavals of the 1960’s up to the present, the volatile theses of this book have decisively transformed debates on the shape of modernity, capitalism, and everyday life in the late 20th century.

Self-proclaimed leader of the Situationist International, Guy Debord was certainly responsible for the longevity and high profile of Situationist ideas, although the equation of the SI with Guy Debord would be misleading. Brilliant but autocratic, Debord helped both unify situationist praxis and destroy its expansion into areas not explicitly in line with his own ideas. His text The Society of the Spectacle remains today one of the great theoretical works on modern-day capital, cultural imperialism, and the role of mediation in social relationships.”

Publisher Buchet-Chastel, Paris, Nov 1967
175 pages

Wikipedia (EN)

La Société du Spectacle (French, 1967; HTML)
Society of the Spectacle (English, trans. Fredy Perlman and Jon Supak, 1970; HTML)
De spektakelmaatschappij (Dutch, trans. Jaap Kloosterman and René van de Kraats, 1976/2001, updated on 2019-11-8)
Η Κοινωνία του Θεάματος (Greek, trans. Panos Tsachageas and Nikos B. Alexiou, 1977, updated on 2019-11-8)
Die Gesellschaft des Spektakels (German, trans. Jean-Jacques Raspaud, 1978)
La societa dello spettacolo (Italian, trans. Paolo Salvadori, 1979)
Society of the Spectacle (English, trans. Donald Nicholson-Smith, 1994; HTML)
La sociedad del espectacul (Spanish, trans. Rodrigo Vicuña Navarro, 1995)
Gösteri toplumu ve yorumlar (Turkish, trans. Ayşen Ekmekçi and Okşan Taşkent, 1996, added on 2012-12-27)
A sociedade do espetaculo (BR-Portuguese, trans. Estela dos Santos Abreu, 1997)
Societatea spectacolului. Comentarii la societatea spectacolului (Romanian, trans. Ciprian Mihali and Radu Stoenescu, 1998)
La sociedad del espectacul (Spanish, trans. José Luis Pardo, 1999)
Η Κοινωνία του Θεάματος (Greek, trans. Sylvia, 2000, added on 2019-11-8)
Society of the Spectacle (English, trans. Ken Knabb, 2005; new ed., annotated, 2014, HTML, PDF, EPUB, added on 2019-11-12)
Društvo spektakla (Serbian, trans. Aleksa Golijanin, 2003/2012; HTML, added on 2017-7-27)
Spektákulum társadalma (Hungarian, trans. Miklós Erhardt, 2006, updated on 2019-11-8)
Spektaklio visuomenė (Lithuanian, 2006, added on 2019-11-8)
Społeczeństwo spektaklu oraz Rozważania o społeczeństwie spektaklu (Polish, trans. Mateusz Kwaterko, 2006, updated on 2019-11-8)
Společnost spektáklu (Czech, 2007, updated on 2019-7-21)
La sociedad del espectacul (Spanish, trans. Colectivo Maldeojo, 2009)
Societatea spectacolului (Romanian, trans. Cristina Săvoiu, 2011, added on 2015-11-29)