Vito Campanelli: Web Aesthetics: How Digital Media Affect Culture and Society (2010)

19 October 2011, dusan

“We live in a world of rapidly evolving digital networks, but within the domain of media theory, which studies the influence of these cultural forms, the implications of aesthetical philosophy have been sorely neglected. Vito Campanelli explores network forms through the prism of aesthetics and thus presents an open invitation to transcend the inherent limitations of the current debate about digital culture.

The web is the medium that stands between the new media and society and, more than any other, is stimulating the worldwide dissemination of ideas and behaviour, framing aesthetic forms and moulding contemporary culture and society.

Campanelli observes a few important phenomena of today, such as social networks, peer-to-peer networks and ‘remix culture’, and reduces them to their historical premises, thus laying the foundations for an organic aesthetic theory of digital media.”

Publisher NAi Publishers, Rotterdam; in association with the Institute of Network Cultures at the Hogeschool van Amsterdam, University of Applied Sciences, October 2010
Studies in Network Cultures series
ISBN 9056627708, 9789056627706
276 pages

Reviews: Greg J Smith (Rhizome, 2011), Alessandro Ludovico (Neural, 2011), Regine Debatty (We Make Money Not Art, 2011).

Book website
Interview with the author (Geert Lovink)
Interview with the author (Pasquale Napolitano, Digicult)


PDF, PDF (25 MB, updated on 2019-3-24)

Fibreculture Journal 1-15 (2003-2009)

7 April 2010, dusan

Fibreculture Journal is a peer reviewed international journal that explores the issues and ideas of concern and interest to both the Fibreculture network and wider social formations. The journal encourages critical and speculative interventions in the debate and discussions concerning information and communication technologies and their policy frameworks, network cultures and their informational logic, new media forms and their deployment, and the possibilities of socio-technical invention and sustainability. Other broad topics of interest include the cultural contexts, philosophy and politics of information and creative industries; national and international strategies for innovation, research and development; education; media and culture, and new media arts.

What Now? : The Imprecise and Disagreeable Aesthetics of Remix
Fibreculture 15, 2009
View (HTML articles)

Web 2.0: Before, During and After the Event
Fibreculture 14, 2009
Edited by Darren Tofts and Christian McCrea
View (HTML articles)

After Convergence: What Connects?
Fibreculture 13, 2008
Edited by Caroline Bassett, Maren Hartmann, Kate O’Riordan
View (HTML articles)

Models, Metamodels and Contemporary Media
Fibreculture 12, 2008
Edited by Gary Genosko and Andrew Murphie
View (HTML articles)

The Futures of Digital Media Arts and Culture
Fibreculture 11, 2008
Edited by Andrew Hutchison and Ingrid Richardson
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New Media, Networks and New Pedagogies
Fibreculture 10, 2007
Edited by Adrian Miles
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General Issue
Fibreculture 9, 2006
Edited by Andrew Murphie
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Gaming Networks
Fibreculture 8, 2006
Edited by Chris Chesher, Alice Crawford and Julian Kücklich
View (HTML articles)

Distributed Aesthetics
Fibreculture 7, 2005
Edited by Lisa Gye, Anna Munster and Ingrid Richardson
View (HTML articles)

Mobility, New Social Intensities, and the Coordinates of Digital Networks
Fibreculture 6, 2005
Edited by Andrew Murphie, Larissa Hjorth, Gillian Fuller and Sandra Buckley
View (HTML articles)

Multitudes, Creative Organisation and the Precarious Condition of New Media Labour
Fibreculture 5, 2005
Edited by Brett Neilson and Ned Rossiter
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Contagion and the Diseases of Information
Fibreculture 4, 2005
Edited by Andrew Goffey
View (HTML articles)

General Issue
Fibreculture 3, 2004
Edited by Andrew Murphie
View (HTML articles)

New Media, New Worlds?
Fibreculture 2, 2003
Edited by Andrew Murphie
View (HTML articles)

The Politics of Networks
Fibreculture 1, 2003
Edited by Andrew Murphie
View (HTML articles)

Fibreculture Journal: Internet theory + criticism + research
Publisher: Fibreculture Publications/Open Humanities Press, Australia
ISSN: 1449 – 1443

more info

Wilma de Jong, Martin Shaw, Neil Stammers (eds.): Global Activism, Global Media (2005)

13 October 2009, dusan

“Radical political activist movements are growing all the time. To reach a wider audience each organisation has formed networks and websites, exploiting new communications technologies as well as conventional media to get its message across. This is often very successful: activist politics have come to influence ‘mainstream’ politics over fundamental issues such as trade, gender relations, the environment and war. This book brings together activists and academics in one volume, to explore the theory and practice of global activism’s relation to all forms of media, mainstream and otherwise. The contributors examine how global activism is represented in the mainstream press and explain the strategies that activists adopt to spread their own ideas. Investigating Indymedia and internet activism, they show how transformations in communications technology offer new possibilities, and explain how activists have successfully used and developed their own media. Case studies and topics include the world social forums, an example of a campaign from the NGO Action Aid, a campaign strategy from an internet activist, Greenpeace and the Brent Spar conflict, the World Development Movement and representations in the mainstream press, the Independent Media Centre, transgender activism on the net, Amnesty International, Oxfam and the internet.”

Publisher Pluto Press, 2005
ISBN 0745321968, 9780745321967
235 pages
